I confess that I'm thinking that F8L can ask his lady friend to come over and scratch his itch, thereby solving two problems at once. :madgrin:
I'm sorry to hear about your drug reactions. -- But I'm envious about the date. I've never in my life been asked out by a girl. That's even though my friends in Fargo (some of them single women and most of them liberated enough to ask a guy out) knew about my shyness problem.
I confess to being happy for F8L and envious at the same time. I don't have any hot dates lined up. I can relate to the full body itch thingy.... Allergies suck!
i confess i have yet to tell you fine folks that DH landed a perfect job in a hospital clinical engineering department!
I confess that I'm delighted at this wonderful news! I also confess that I'm not surprised, since we all know how good he'll be at this job.
unfortunately, now i have to confess that the offer has gone from firm to "pending" and we may get screwed over. again. also, that i really don't want to have to make all those phone calls to family again to un-share the news.
I confess that this is what my face looks like after reading your news: Not ok! How can they un-offer a job?!
Try to think happy thoughts. It will work out. There is a lot of weirdness and "not ok" stuff going on with the job market being the way it is right now. I was actually grateful that one of the managers called me to let me know that another person got the last job I interviewed for. The worst is to not hear anything even when you follow up with them.
I confess that I'm up at 3am watching the Men's skeleton event even though I have a big meeting with my boss tomorrow (today).
So sorry to hear your news. I hope everything works out in the end. Until a contract is signed, they are under no legal obligation. And in the business world, honesty and integrity are frowned upon.
I confess that i have school this weekend and am several chapters behind and one assignment shy of being ready. I confess that I don't really care either.
I confess that I am really looking foward to this weekend with the temperatures getting in to the 60's !!
I confess that there are only 2 athletic events that I make an effort to watch on TV: Winter Olympics (but not Summer Olympics), and ... Tour de France.