I am a political conservative and I bought a Prius because it is far superior to any other car on the market. I decided I needed a more fuel efficient car when I got a job that caused me to drive 50,000 miles per year. I test drove just about everything under the sun and I went to the toyota dealer looking for a Camary but I saw the prius V with A/T sitting on the showroom floor. I traded in my Escalade for it and all of my friends thought I was crazy until they saw and drove mine. One of my good friends is seriously considering purchasing one because of what I showed him. He, like myself do not believe that we are saving the planet by owning one, we just feel that it is a damn good car that happens to get great gas mileage. I am just curious how many people out there convinced sceptical people to try a prius instead of other comperable automobiles.
I have persuaded as least one other person to buy a Prius. I think the Prius pretty much sells itself if you commute any distance, want economical transportation and care about the environment.
My story is a bit backwards. After doing research, I convinced my daughter to purchase a 2009 Prius. Then when I found a good deal on a 2010 last week, I purchased it for my wife, even though she has a perfectly good 2003 Camry. So it could be said that I convinced myself.
Convincing someone to buy a car is really tough especially if they're not in the market for anything. It's not like convincing someone to switch to a Mac. I've done that dozens of times - college roommates, cousins, aunts, friends etc. Or convincing someone to watch Lost - done that a lot too. But I think if anyone gives the Prius a chance they'll strongly consider it. My mom convinced me with her 06. Keep in mind though that a lot of car "shoppers" buy the first car they test drive though. They see something new and nice, try it out, and of course it's better than what they have now - and bam, sold. So someone who test drives a Prius first will definitely most likely be a buyer.
I don't think I've convinced anyone but I talk the Prius up a lot. My group of friends, mostly from my upscale golf club, usually drive high-end luxury vehicles. My other cars are a Lexus RX400h and a BMW 330Cic. The reason we bought the Prius in the C4C program was no Camry hybrids available at that time and we didn't want to spend $50k for another high-end hybrid. The wife drove the Prius and liked it well enough so we closed the deal on the spot. We've been very happy with it. The Lexus and BMW will probably only see about 5k miles per year each and the Prius about 10k. We probably will not need another new car for 10 years. The Jeep we traded on the Prius was 15 years old.
The key to the question for me is "lately." In my five years of car shows and hybrid events, I know that I have swayed many people. Since I don't keep in touch nor do I try to follow up with everyone I talk to, I can't say that that actually bought one because of me. However, I let people sit in mine, I take the back apart to show them the batteries, I have a hood propped and I talk mileage and comfort. More than a few have expressed interest. In the end, I'm not really trying to sell a Prius. I'm trying to sell the idea of hybrids, higher mileage and reduced gasoline consumption. When they need a new car, my hope is that the idea of purchasing a hybrid at least crosses their mind.
I have played a part in convincing many prospective Prius buyers. The most recent one was yesterday, although they have yet to complete the purchase. Tom
Showed my Prius to people, most are impressed, but I warn them that Toyota dealers are horrible for the most part, so I don't know if any went to battle a dealer for one.
Never tried to convince anyone -- either to buy my car or go for my wife. Nobody's gone for my wife, but every house guest with whom we've driven around town a few times in the Prius has confessed to an interest in buying one. I admit to a tendency to showing off. I point out the mpg average and they coo. Then, while driving at 30, I press Power and floor it. What else? Comments include, "There's so much more space than I thought it would have!" And "That Bluetooth is cool!" I know at least one couple plans to buy one this year. So the answer is no, I haven't convinced anyone, but I really think my Prius has.
Not that I know of but I have basically swung those that were on the fence or considering a Prius to definitely get one when the time comes. Again, all it takes is a walkaround or a sit or a drive depending on how much time they have.
Assuming lately means over the last 4 or 5 years, maybe so. I have two friends who bought Hybrid Camrys and one who bought a Prius for his wife after she rode in my Gen2. I think I may have had something to do with their decisions. I also warned them to be very careful of most Toyota dealers, I have bought 3 new Toyotas from 3 different dealers, one was OK the other two I wouldn't buy a tricycle from.
I got to drive a 2010 Prius today and all I can say is you people do not have a clue what a decent car is! It's plastic junk interior and horrible interior layout makes me shudder just thinking about it. It reminded me of the horrible experience I had driving a Paseo back in the mid nineties, ugghhh. If you figure out the gas you will save with 'average' driving over the year it's not even a good ecconomic decision, as far as freeway goes it's just another 4 banger trying to push through the air. You could get just as good gas mileage from a Jetta / BMW diesel and not be a hazmat accident waiting to happen (or a recycling nighmare) and own a vehicle that drives tight and handles well WITHOUT the cheap ugly plastic interior. I average 27 mpg out of a BMW 325 Ci 'vert and every mile puts a smile on my face.... a BIG smile. I don't care about my carbon footprint 'cos I never had kids to pollute the world further with. I'm sure my 'overal footprint' is way smaller than average and so I deserve to be coddled in leather and wood.... and I am secure in the knowledge that most of my tax dollars is put towards funding the US 'oil protection forces' (AKA the US military).
I had wanted a Prius for a few years but my Subaru Outback was still excellent and I liked the AWD so I had postponed the purchase. Then my daughter got rid of her 17 years old Camry (still running perfectly well) and bought a 2010 Prius. I got to drive it a few days and 3 weeks later I bought mine! So she did trigger my Prius purchase!
Thank you all for your responses. I think the part that convinced my friend to purchase one is that he wouldn't be giving up all of the "toys" that he had in his Cadillac CTS. He also bought a V with A/T.