So I got a call from Toyota Australia HQ recalls today. "We'd like to thank you Mr Centurion for bringing in your Toyota so promptly for the update to your ABS. We'd like to apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you <insert more grovelling>" Me : "Er. That's OK. Just one thing though." Toyota : "Yes ?" Me : "I haven't actually taken delivery of it yet and in fact nor has my dealer since its currently sat at the docks after being imported" Toyota : "Oh - we've frozen all the Prius imports until the updates are done and we send crews to the docks rather than get the dealers to do it as they charge us too much" Me : "So that's why my new car has been sat at the docks all week without moving and will be for a while longer and nobody bothered to tell me or my dealer then?" Me : "Oh and whilst we're on the subject can you tell me why Toyota said that vehicles were being updated with the latest software in late January but mine came off the last day with the old software ?" Toyota : "Er - I can't really" So, thanks Toyota. Thanks for lying that vehicles were being updated in late January that came off the production line. Mine came off the last day of January in Japan and guess what - no update. Thanks for holding up the delivery of my new car to the dealer to save yourself a buck and for freezing Prius deliveries without telling anyone. Thanks for phoning me and not noticing that you still haven't delivered the car to the dealer yet. I realise none of this is earth shattering. The sky has not fallen. It just pisses me off slightly that even now would it kill you to get it right ? I mean - I dont even OWN the damn thing yet!
Interesting, you car probably received the update yesterday and will be released soon so I would expect a call from the dealer letting you know your car is ready.
How did they pick you? They can't be calling everyone. I doubt they'll call YOU next time thy seek a PR moment.
What this probably means is, the "update" that may have been done in the factory perhaps was not exactly correct, and they have released "Update 2.0", which many predicted. That is most likely why they are updating at the dock... Mitch
toyoa called you and within a few seconds your told that dealers charge to much? well dont really believe that. its not done to tell that over the phone.
so, you think a call that is TOTALLY WRONG (e.g., thanking a customer for getting an update to a car that isn't delivered) is better than no call? Not me! So, what, should Toyota only call these types of owners? :hail: TOYOTA They aren't going to learn a heck of a lot from the Toyota Worshipers unless all they want is to get their ego stroked.
What I posted was the abbreviated version of my conversation. I pressed for more information as to how the update could be done if neither the dealer or myself had possession of the vehicle and it was sat on a dock somewhere.
I also got a call from Toyota Australia HQ. I missed the call though, but they basically just left a message apologising for the whole situation and for the inconvenience for having the bring the car in for the update. I thought it was nice of them to do so.
... and now our cars, computer operating systems, iPhones, and appliances require firmware updates that I can't see and do not fully understand. This gives programmers and software engineers more authority over critical parts of my life than I ever wanted. Perhaps the next stage will be Antivirus software for the Prius and our toasters. :flypig:
I thought Ernestine got a job with an insurance company after she left the phone company. Next time we get a lame apology call we should press for something of value.
I would be happy to merely receive a call from my deal acknowledging that fact there IS a software update available. An e-mail inquiry received a "canned" reply ... "call our service department for more information about your inquiry." Joesph Toyota of Cincinnati