Mounting a Transceiver

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by casc, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. casc

    casc New Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    SF Bay Area, Calif, US
    This seems like the most appropriate location to ask this....

    Now that I have my rolling battery pack 8)
    I'm looking to slap a 144/220/440 transeiver into it.

    Figure glassmount 'tennae on rear quarter panel windows. (Have this
    thing about drills, hole saws and the skins of my vehicles....)

    But I need a clean 12 volt attach point so either I run wire to 12 v battery
    or I find a pre-wired harness point where I can splice in and swipe
    up to an additional 12 amps of current w/o popping fuses, tripping breakers or melting insulation <grin>

    Anyone done this yet? Any 'puter issues seen with RFI leakage from transceivers in the VHF/UHF ham bands?

    Suggestions? Warnings?


    Any suggestions.
  2. Opusnugen

    Opusnugen New Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    Howdy! Another ham with a question. We have some others on board as well and we have a "Ham Radio" sub topic under Audio & Electronics. I just posted there a minute ago!

    I would recommend a connection directly to the battery, with leads as short as possible. I had a Kenwood TM-V7A connected to a fuse panel in a MPV van I own, and was only getting about 50% power out on the highest setting. Connecting it to the 10 gauge wire that was run from the battery to the radio helped bring the power output back up.

    I am looking for a hatchback antenna mount, but may use a mag mount temporarily to find a good general location for the antenna. I have always heard a "glass mount" was a compromise and I will admit, I have NO proof to back up the claim. I agree that if you don't want a hole in your car, then it would be a better way to mount an antenna.

    As for the RFI, other hams I wrote to say they haven't had any RFI problems with their installations. Toyota does mention in the owners manual that they should be contacted to assist with any two-way radio installations, though they don't post a direct way to contact them for this information.

    Let us know if you get your radio installed and how your results have been. I will do like wise when I get the time.



  3. casc

    casc New Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    SF Bay Area, Calif, US

    If moderators want to move this thread to the Ham Radio thread.... it
    works for me.

    I've heard the same things about glass mounts. Then again, in repeater rich silicon valley.... not really a problem much.

    I'm still scouting locatins for instal and cable runs. Didn't think that when i got the side air bags, i'd be seriously limiting where i put things.

    cas (k6cas)
    "gold" AM '04 with all of 112 miles on it so i'm still in the golly gee wiz phase