I have no complaints about my Prius except the hatch so I decided to have it reflashed. Now I'm not worried it might make any sudden moves at a stop sign or light. Honestly I love my Prius and it has never given me any trouble. Proud to own a Prius. -HP
I found another safety issue. Prius let me drive backward with the rear hatch high up. The rear view camera is showing the sky. If I turn my head backward, so much wind is blowing in my face and I can't see a thing. I am forced to use the mirrors but they have blind spots! If you are a lawyer reading this, send me a PM. We can make some money out of this.
How many people have had their Prius reboot while driving on a freeway? A friend told me that he would never buy Prius because the dog of a friend of a friend told him for sure that the Prius runs Windows(TM) OS. He is afraid he might get the blue screen of death.
That dog don't hunt. My Prius has been flash-upgraded to Windows 7 and no problem so far, just an annoying reminder to register the car every fifty miles driven.
Dear Mr. F8L, None of the birds and trunk monkeys would ever happen if the rear hatch can't be opened. Toyota, anticipating all the potential open hatch issues, cleverly included the answer in every Prius. It is hidden, safely secured just below the rear hatch floor. It is the 12v battery. Hard to believe isn't it? Toyota put that puny little thing in there on purpose. Yeah, that's right. All you have to do is pick any of the dozens of ways to run the battery down to 10.5v and, BINGO, the hatch won't open from either the outside or the inside. The Perfect Answer... 1. no problem with the birds, 2. no need to buy/rent a trunk monkey 3. no way to damage the hatch with the garage door. So we don't need any recalls alter all. You and all the other whiners can just put a sock in it. And while you're at it, read the Owner's Manual. It's on page 1,763, right after the 3 pages of warnings that sitting on your wallet can cause serious injury or death... or, what is even more important than going to meet your Maker... reduced FE/MPGs.
How else would I be able to easily set my instrument box on the trunk floor or get ready to put it on my back if the hatch does not open as high as it is? Thank you Toyota!
Seriously! I'm 6'3" and I whacked my head the other day because it was cold and the gate was going up too slowly. Toyota needs gates that go up even higher! And faster - it should be powered by whatever inflates the air bags.
Toyota should install a switch on the dashboard to let drivers open the hatch while the car is in motion, as a safety chute device to slow down a runaway Prius.
i cant remember if i see a service bulletin for this yet? i geuss with all the braking not working in a prius and gas pedal stuff this recall was never gotten any attention from the media?