I have a 2007 Prius and when I bought my car they had just ran out of HOV stickers in CA, so I missed the boat. Today I saw a brand new Prius with stickers on it. So whats the deal...can I get my stickers now???? Sorry if this issue has been addressed already, I searched and came up with nothing. Thank you.
It is possible for a Prius of any model year to legitimately have CA carpool stickers, if that vehicle was purchased to replace another qualifying hybrid with carpool stickers which was declared a total loss as salvage or non-repairable. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vehindustry/vin_memos/vin2009/09vin08.pdf
The only way I could get one that way is if I had a previous hybrid that was totaled. I was just wondering if the did a re-issue for older models that never got one, because they ran out.
They could also be counterfeit stickers. I recall one other thread where someone found fake stickers on a car that wasn't eligible at all. I wouldn't want to get caught with the fake sticker on my car.
Well Ok..Thanks. Still wondering why the new Prius's get stickers...after they decided to not issue them after 07??? Is this just a big *FU sucker* flashing neon sign?? Love my car...just feeling a bit bent over at the moment. I have a really long daily commute, with carpool lanes in all freeways and I see A-holes blasting down the carpool lanes with no one else in the car constantly...cause you know when you are sitting, stopped in traffic, you can watch them blaze by, breaking the law. Not that I think I am special or anything...LOL....but it's kind of a bummer...and I'd love to know the politics behing this BS. thanks for your responses.
The state originally capped the number of stickers at 85,000. They reached that number early in 2007. I also missed the deadline, but I never cared much about it because most of my commute did not include any carpool lanes anyway. Clean Air Stickers - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Usage
Yeah, at the time I bought my Prius, I was only commuting 5 miles a day, so I didn't care either. However, I took a new job a year ago with an hour commute each way and carpool lanes on all 3 freeways. I could kick myself, because there where still stickers left and I could have paid an additional 25 bucks at the dealer ship, to have them mailed to me...and I cheaped out because I thought I'd never need them. No one informed me that they where almost gone either.
interesting, i've seen 2 2010's in the bay area with carpool stickers in the last few months. i saw one just today. he was behind me in the carpool lane and it got me wondering if the CHP is on the lookout for 2010 priuses with stickers. i didn't know about the transfer-on-total rule, so i figured anyone with a 2010 and stickers must be cheating. as i was musing about this, a CHP cruiser pulled onto the freeway in front of us. since the carpool lane was running faster, we both passed the CHP... he/she must have been able to see the 2010 with stickers - i was expecting a carpool lane "bust", but nothin' doin. so i guess it's legit... who knew?
yeah, i'm all too painfully aware of that fact. i guess i just thought that anyone with a 2010 and stickers was cheating somehow. i know early on in the sticker program a lot of people received 2 sets...