Scenario: Pull into Toyota Service, bluetooth phone connected. Jump out. Tell technician to change oil and rotate tires. Proceed to waiting area. Pull out cell phone to call wife. No answer. Tried again, still no answer. Finally realize the phone is still connected to Prius somewhere in the service bay. Came to find out later that my wife was answering and shouting, "Hallo, Hallo!" to no avail. Some service technician, if he could hear her, was probably laughing his head off. After discovering the problem, I turned off the cell's bluetooth and made the call to a very frustrated wife who, by-the-way, hates technology. Trying to explain what happened didn't help.
:lolup: I'm picturing that technician standing by the car when it starts yelling "Hello? Hello? HELLO!!" Makes me wonder if he tried to answer. Or perhaps popped the hatch to see if someone was trapped in the cargo hold. Now THAT'S funny.
:lolup: :lolup: I'm picturing cha95sim's avatar and I keep hearing a voice saying, "Bobby... Do you like to watch gladiator movies?" "Bobby, have you ever been to a Turkish Bath?" ROTFLMAO... sorry...
HA HA! I'm no movie buff but I remember a star trek movie where Scotty was trying to communicate with a prehistoric (say Y2K) computer. He was banging on it and repeating hello Computer?? Hello Hello! :lol:
The mechanic probably started looking around for Allen Funt... Just be glad the conversation didn't turn, um, amorous.
That's hilarious! Be sure to tell your wife that we got a kick out of the story, even if she didn't :lol:
If his wife wants to date a mechanic, that's HER business! And what kind of videos do the mechanics prefer?