I might of dreamt it, but I could of sworn Jim Lentz was on the morning shows urging Toyota Prius owners to attach zip ties to the beaks of the Sandhill Cranes. He was simultaneously apologizing for the sinking of The Titanic and the Hindenburg explosion.
And also don't apply any brakes just before a bump, and then once past it just accelerate briskly to then close the hatch.
It is happening to me now! How can you guys joke about something so evil! Heartless bastages! I went outside to recharge my battery and opened my towering hatch and look what happened!
Evan, I don't have the time required to create one of those manual elevator/lift mechanisms. Can I just borrow one of yours? Or do you know of a good discount online source where I can get one for cheap? Preferably not from China as I fear they contain lead. Or do you think A truck monkey would work? The Anti-theft trunk monkey Maybe this extreme hatch is useful. As high as it open we could purchase super-sized trunk monkeys!
seriously, i left my hatch open and hit the garage door opener. the lifting arm caught the spoiler and the door nearly came down on top of me. has to be toyota's fault. class action? i definately need one of those restrainy bungee thingy's!
Just order one of these and have him hold it down when he isn't protecting you from SUV and diesel monster truck owners! May even be cheaper than the kind Evan uses althought not as cute. If you can teach him to sing then you also have a fix for when your factory stereo stops accepting CDs or simply goes out on you.
Some of these guys think this is some kind of laughing matter! Go ahead and ROFL or LOL or LMAO or whatever. Last week, I was rotating the tires and had the Pious up on jacks with that enormous hatch up in the air. My wife came home and opened the garage door. I couldn't get to the stop button in time. Same thing happened. Nasty scratch on the wing and the garage door popped a wheel and bent pretty badly when it snagged the hatch. It all went back together... but the wing scratch looks bad. Not funny.out: It's possible that this could be worse, and even more widespread than that little insignificant brake glitch thing a few people are still yakking so darn much about. I now worry about that hatch hooking on to a traffic light or a high tension wire. What a charge that would be. Anyone can get a bird hit. Next car is going to have one of those near useless short trunk openings, for sure. :der: And I'm done with Toyota, until they can build a safety hatch. :der: How many garage doors must die? :der:
If we could get a group purchase going for a flux capacitor we could do much better than pulse and glide! [ame="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=36022500"]Going Home Video by Back to the Future - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/Services/Media/Embed.aspx/m=36022500@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@Services/Media/Embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@36022500[/ame]
You need to trade hatch struts with this guy: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...leshooting/76165-hatch-not-opening-fully.html Then you will both be satisfied.
My wife backed out of garage with my 2008 with hatch up. Broke some spoiler rivets I'm not sure can ever be fixed properly without major expense. Now it'll rattle forever perhaps. Never mind the poor birds; my poor spoiler...
This thread was too funny not to post to the PC front page. Prius Hatch opens too high - Major safety concern! (Satire) | PriusChat
This is from the user manual.... Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause parts of the body to be caught, resulting in serious injury. Remove any heavy loads, such as snow and ice, from the back door before opening it. Failure to do so may cause the back door fall closed again after it is opened. When opening or closing the back door, thoroughly check to make sure the surrounding area is safe. If anyone is in the vicinity, make sure they are safe and let them know that the back door is about to open or close. Use caution when opening or closing the back door in windy weather as it may move abruptly in strong wind. The back door may fall if it is not opened fully. It is more difficult to open or close the back door on an incline than on a level surface, so beware of the back door unexpectedly opening or closing by itself. Make sure that the back door is fully open and secure before using the luggage compartment.
When closing the back door, take extra care to prevent your fingers etc. from being caught. When closing the back door, make sure to press it lightly on its outer surface. If the back door handle is used to fully close the back door, it may result in hands or arms being caught. Do not pull on the back door damper stay to close the back door, and do not hang on the back door damper stay. Doing so may cause hands to be caught or the back door damper stay to break, causing an accident. Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the back door. Such additional weight on the back door may cause the back door to fall closed again after it is opened.