Prius has been in the news quite a bit lately and last week I heard a short news blurb on NPR. They were talking about the recall of course and the impact this may or may not have in the long run for Toyota. I though it was interesting when they brought up two different types of Prius owners. Those who buy a prius because it fits with their green ideology and those who buy it because it gets great gas mileage. The point they were making is that those buying it primarily for gas mileage reasons would probably be more effected by the negative hype than those who own Prius for other, deeper philosophical reasons. This got me to thinking about some of the comments I've heard from long time Prius owners and is the motivation behind this thread. If you had to chose one or the other. Green thinker Consumer savvy saver.
I think there should have been a 3rd option for both types of thinkers. I fit into the both category but you are forcing me to choose the green thinker.
Well for many people those are one in the same. They are green so they want the best mpg available in the mainstream. There is another group which is quite large, the people who like the Prius for its technology and design elegance. They might like the mpg or be green but the number one reason they bought it has HSD.
For me, it is hard to separate those reasons. I love how green it is, and I love the high gas mileage. I'm not sure I can separate the two. I also like how high tech it is. That really appeals to me as well. I don't think it's correct for the news to try to lump everyone into 2 camps only. People can have multiple reasons for doing something.
I voted for "saver", but that doesn't really sum it up. I'd have to say my list goes like this: Comfort Features Price Economy Environment I have a bad back, so if it isn't comfortable, none of the rest matter. Then, there's the issue of buttons to play with. The Prius was very comfortable for me and had the most toys for $30k. The fact that it gets such great fuel economy and is easy on the environment are icing on the cake.
I voted for "green". I figured I could find another car I liked just as much with similar features for less $$$, but bought the Prius because I appreciate the lower environmental impact and the technology involved. I like saving at the pump, but that's secondary to me.
I agree that many of us would be able to chose both but because of the other claims that the news episode made, I wanted to force and either or.... It is the "if you had to chose one..."
There are two kinds of Prius owners: those that lump Prius owners into two groups, and those that don't. Tom
In this particular grouping of two types of owners I fit in the consumer savy saver who also loves new technology and tends to buy things on the cutting edge. Quite frankly, I never gave a lot of thought to the green aspects but am glad the car fits in there as well. My wife, on the other hand, is a lot more into the green side of the car and she's the daily driver. So for our family as a whole, it would be both.
That would be "All of the above" and wouldn't tell us much. I think it is a well crafted poll. Bob Wilson
Thank you Bob. As for you haters.. ( Yes Tom, I mean you) If you don't play nice, I'm going to take my sidewalk chalk and go home.
The poll won't tell you much accurately since many of us bought the car for both reasons. So is it still a good poll if the information is not accurate? It's like choosing between boobs and butts. How can I answer such a question?
With another question, of course. Ask if she'd prefer you to start at the top or the bottom. As long as you're working towards the middle, right?