and here come the lawsuits. [ame=] Video Player[/ame] If you think repairing the recalled problems are expensive the repair to the brand will curl your toes. This is not inconsistent with what happens to food companies who have to recall products due to product quality problems.
Wow. With all the recalls that most car companies have had to deal with, I don't recall seeing any of them suddenly dropping off the edge of the planet. Even the Corvair didn't plop GM upsidedown. The exploding Pintos, the killer Explorers and their popping Firestones, and all those unintended accelerating Audis careening around all over the place. That's just a drop in the bucket in the history of recalls. All those companies are still there even after some rather problematic setbacks. Toyota will recover. Consumers around the world (although it seems like the American consumer is a champion at this) will soon forget the fright/panic experienced when the Pious brakes momentarily transitioned from regen to hydraulic. I'm sure that Toyota will do what all big companies do when they want to quickly repair damaged relations with its consumers, Discounts!!! That usually helps flush those bad memories away in a big hurry:rockon:.
All the things Toyota is going to have to do to repair this, plus all the lawsuits is going to bring Toyota down big time, arrogance is what caused this, it won't destroy Toyota, but Toyota will have a lot less money for Research and Development, allowing the other companies to move ahead.
This doesn't sound so good to me. Of these troubles, the one with the least substance -- the Audi SUAs -- did very serious damage to the brand in the U.S., for a very long time. The domestic nameplates weathered far more serious and deadly troubles with much less brand damage.
Troll much? A potential problem that's easily fixed ( means their "quality and service is no better than anybody else". You can read about the details of the CTS pedals at So, based on the above recalls, their quality is suddenly "no better than anybody else" yet virtually every model year of every vehicle shown in Consumer Reports has average to above average reliability, w/most years being above average. From Car reliability, most reliable cars "Toyota, with its Lexus and Scion brands providing a broader product range, had just one vehicle that was below average in reliability, the Lexus GS AWD. " Notice how many Toyotas and Lexus are on the most reliable list at Consumer Reports Cars Blog: Consumer Reports names the most reliable used cars. How many Fords and Chevys are there? Also look at the worst of the worst list at Best & worst used cars. See any Toyotas and Lexuses there? I see no correlation to their "service". The 2010 Prius brake recall is fixed by a ~20 minute reflash and the quirk has been known since the 2001 Prius, although some assert that the sensation is worse on the 3rd gen than on previous gens. I do agree that this has seriously damaged Toyota's reputation and will put doubt in the minds of some current owners and potential buyers. But, in part it's just been a media frenzy and folks seeming to pile on to Toyota all at once. They were in the news everyday (in a bad way) for more than a week starting with 1/21.
So you think this is a TROLL issue? Your way of looking at Toyotas problem is this is only a ~20 minute fix. Mister, Toyota is in alot of trouble and your not a smart man!!:crazy:
Wow ... Thanks for the giant font, and (count 'em ... ) two antidotal phrases. Now I truly know what you mean, and finally grasp that "it's" the truth of all truths. Very deep, too. :nod:
I'm not usually a grammar Nazi, but when you are telling someone that they aren't very smart, you will have more credibility if you use the correct form of "your". your = possessive (e.g. Is that your car?) you're = contraction of you and are (e.g. You're not very bright, are you?)
I don't think Akio Toyoda himself would argue that these haven't been horrifically difficult times for Toyota. But if you don't think Toyota can recover from this, then you haven't researched much about the auto industry and the history of recalls and you don't have much of a grasp on media and the public. Ultimately I think people will put it all in perspective despite the medias attempt to keep it out of perspective. Eventually I think people will discover The Brakes work, The Electronics work and Toyota still offers a high quality and diverse line-up of cars, trucks and SUV's as well as the best total line-up of hybrids available. Yes this has been trouble for Toyota...but it's just rough seas..nothing has sunk.
To DOGFRIEND the grammar NAZI... The word 'your' not being spelled right, is alot smarter than someone saying Toyota's recall problem is only a 20 minute fix at the dealer.
The sky is falling, The sky is falling. REALITY: You'd never know it by the level showroom traffic recently. The haters are going to be sorely disappointed methinks. As usual the 'selling season' for auto's kicked off last W/E with President's Day Weekend. It lasts from President's Day W/E until mid-Sept ( ever wonder why Toyota always brings out its new models in Feb / Mar? ). Traffic is far better than last year this time as the economy recovers. Maybe we're just blessed, but I don't think so .
***You are being very conservative. It's alot more than just 'rough seas'... Toyota is out in the open ocean sailing in the middle of a Hurricane and the Hurricane winds are getting stronger by the minute.
Well, I think the premise of this thread has been proven false now, since this thread has already been alive for a couple of orders of magnitude longer than it took the Titanic to sink... and Toyota is still above water.... so, I guess we can let this thread die now.