Took home a 2007 Gray Prius with 33K with warranty left yesterday. Love the driving position, heard some people have problems with back pain, will look into this. The kids (all three; 8, 12 & 16) love the MFD, and think the car is "cool". My better half is intimidated by the tech and doesn't want to drive it yet ("OMG are you sure it didn't just stall"?). I am trying to get the hang of the "hypermiling" concept, and have had 46 MPG highway and 38 on short trips. This will be our "shuttle" car; we have a 6 person wagon for longer trips with everyone on board. This site is great and have already learned alot. Thanks to the oldtimers who post.
72 Hour Update: I seem to be adjusting to the MFD's consumption and energy screens well. I am getting about 44 mpg. I see how short trips hamper economy. But even so, the Prius is way better than anything I have owned. My morning commute is about 25 to 30 minutes. I discovered how to glide on battery under 38 MPH. Awesome! For a grocery/errand trip I got 38. While I love the seating position and visibility (the rear view does not bother me), I have noticed some back pain. A rolled up knit hat in the lumbar significantly reduces the pain. This is not the first car I have had this in, and long rides in general seem uncomfortable in any vehicle (so no big deal). Overall I am pleased with the car and hope to have a long, productive ownership.
6 day update: Love the car, getting 44.5 mpg in winter weather averaging about 25 - 30 degrees. Streets clear of snow. Back seems to be adjusting OK to the change in cars. Begining to see how Prius drivers enjoy watching others burn gas darting in and out of traffic as I glide. Someone I know told me she heard that evil people have vandalized Prius'. Hadn't thought of that.....No other issues yet.
I had a 2007 Touring Edition that is now owned by a relative, my 2010 will be in the garage by next week. I had a Katzkin Leather Interior installed (color:Bone, almost white) in my black 2007 Prius because the only leather options from Toyota were colors: Tan Mud, or Grey Mud, which appealed to me not at all. If you decide to do this they can add a 'bolster' to the seat for greater lower back support. The Katzkin leather also will recover the top of the center console and the 4 door armrests with the same leather, many colors to choose from. Another less costly way to help your back is a cushion from "Brookstone's" made for the purpose out of 'Memory Foam'. It is an excellent car, best of luck with it. Mine needed no repairs in 3 years, practically 'bullet-proof', I used only 100% synthetic oil (it only holds 4 quarts so why not?), and cold tire pressure was the factory settings checked religiously every month, which helps mileage.
Welcome! :waves: We've put 50K on our 2007 Prius, and we just absolutely love him! (yes, our Prius is a him. He has a name, personality, and everything) Hope you enjoy learning all you can about your new ride. It may take awhile for your spouse to get used to the engine off thing - took my DH a few months!
10 day update Drove in a strong wind today, buffetted about a bit, but no worse for the wear. Slowing down a bit helped some. Not a problem just an observation.
Yeah, light car so it gets moved a bit in strong wind. Sounds like you're having the same Prius experience I had when I first got my 2007 last April. Careful with the MFD - eyes on the road! - D
3 Week Update Due to all of the concern about the brakes, I have been trying to replicate the events others have been experiencing. I have been unable to do so after a week of trying. We had a few inches of snow and the Prius performed well. I agree that good tires are important. You must start out slow and steady to make use of the torque at low speeds, and tire grip aids this. I have a variant of the Goodyear low resistance tires sold by Walmart. I have had 3 kids in the back for a time, no problems. No car seats. Fuel economy stinks in the first 4 - 5 minutes but was expected. All in all, no surprises and an enjoyable ride. I bought the car before Toyota barfed all over itself regarding the 2010 fix. Am disappointed in the company and now am mistrustful. I had an '03 Corolla a few years back that I liked, but it had a horrible sulfur smell that Toyota would not acknowledge was a problem. Come to think of it, I hate all car companies and dealers!
4 week update I found that by not turning on the heater when I start out in cold weather my initial mileage improves slightly. I turn the heater on after a few minutes when the ICE is warmer. Learing to glide by feel and not rely on looking at the MFD too much. Salt is a pretty big deal here in NYS, so I take the car through a touchless carwash every week. I have practiced this with my other vehicles without a problem. Will wax once or twice per year. Am thinking of getting synthetic oil. Are there any concerns by going from dino to synthetic?
No, not really. Most of the arguments against are based on wives tales or ancient information. Most if not all of the current syn oils are compatible with dino oil, so you could mix if you really wanted to (but it is sort of a waste of syn oil). I switched from dino to Mobil 1 at 10k miles.