I love my prius, and love the price I got it for with 0% interest. The only thing that I am not used to is the slow acceleration from a complete stop.
Welcome. :welcome: But keep in mind, I've got a 3,444 day head start for Prius ownership. :dance: The difference between ECO and PWR mode is quite refreshing. It's nice having a choice like that available. You'll enjoy the indulgence from time to time. .
I went from 800rwhp to a Prius which is even slower than yours. Trust me, you'll get used to it and you'll realize it is perfectly adequate for daily driving.
Just push the button and go. You'll love it. I've seen more than one surprised look when I've used it to merge and/or pass.
I picked up my 2010 Prius 3 last month and use PWR at all times. I still cannot get used to the other choices. I travel 50 miles each way to work and my Trip MPG has been 47.5 with my heater on here in the NY/CT region. Bob
I know how you feel. i just went from a 2009 CTS with AWD and direct injection v-6 to a Prius V. Talk about less acceleration but, the rest of the car makes up for it. And half the car payment works too.
In good traction conditions don't be afraid to stand on the gas pedal for as long as you like. The computers will not allow the engine or drive train to hurt themselves. In poor traction conditions it merely won't accelerate.
I think I have officially broke in the gas pedal. Its weird but for the first 100miles i got only 40 miles a gallon, the last 200 I am at 52 a gallon. I was able to get 63 miles a gallon for a strech of 20 miles, I was doing a lot pumping and coasting. Pretty much letting gravity do the work, but I was barely going the speed limit on the highway.