If I leave my foot off the brake and press the Start Button, I get use of electric accessories without the engine turning on. From this Accessory-Only On Mode, is there a way to turn off the car WITHOUT having to first turn on the engine? Considering that the engine will turn on to charge and "nurture" the battery, does anyone know why one shouldn't just turn on the car (engine on) even if one just wants to use accessories? If the engine can safely shut off, obviously it will. Anyways, just wondering if there is a way to turn off the car from accessory-only mode without starting engine first. This is a major pain for people who have Push-Button Start cars that aren't hybrid. It seems they HAVE to turn on the engine to turn off the car which causes unnecessary engine wear and gas usage.
Hitting the Power button again without stepping on the brakes shouldn't turn on the engine immediately. If you are really worried about it then you can activate "electric only mode" which will buy you more time to shut off the car before the engine starts up. In reality I don't think I've ever had the engine start so quickly that I couldn't cycle through the different Power modes.
I'm not sure I follow you. When I press Start without brake, accessories start. If I press it again without break, the engine starts.
What brand car are you refering to? The Prius won't start the ICE unless your foot is on the brake. It's the only way to get it into the READY mode.
As far as I know, you must press the brake pedal to start the car. Therefore, if you cycle through the POWER button without depressing the brake pedal, you'll just go from: OFF --> ACC --> IG-ON --> OFF. to start the car in any of those modes above, just press the brake pedal while pushing the POWER button. I'm sure it's the same on non-hybrid vehicles as a safety precaution (yes i know regular cars with a key ignition can be started without first depressing the brake pedal but I think most push-button start cars require brake-pedal application)
Yes. We use IG-ON because people were getting confused with ON and the car being on (READY mode) so IG-ON is just the ON or II position on a regular car.
This is actually one of the few irritating interface issues I have with the car - the power button cycle. I'd prefer a dial of some sort, even if it doesn't mean putting in a key. Ever wanted to stop the car and go direct to ACC without first shutting everything down? Can't do it. Gotta go around the cycle from READY - OFF - ACC. Or similarly, want to just do ACC for a while and then turn it off? Nope, ACC - IG-ON - OFF. <end gripe> - D
If you're listening to something on the audio system, it must go off momentarily if you want to stop the engine and then cycle through the button tap(s) to bring the audio back on. I guess it's a gripe.
Hectually, if you want to listen to the audio for more than a couple minutes and are not in a completely enclosed space you might as well leave the car ON and in Park. Using ACC drains and strains the poor little 12V battery and saves at best a trivial amount of fuel. IG-ON drains the big traction battery, and if that empties the car will need to be towed to a dealer for a session with their proprietary charger.
LOL! Now there's an idea. That's an interesting little feature I'd not heard of, thanks! Probably just easier to cycle through. And Richard is right, you don't want to lean on the 12V battery too much. It's just one of those things that bug me because it's different for the sake of being different without necessarily being better. - D