Hi there, Probably a simple fix but I can't locate the how to....how do you turn off the navigation map? I turned off the voice (thank goodness) but I want to turn off the map. Thanks Bella
Hi Tom, I usually don't use the map, and prefer to have the climate or other info showing. My husband accidentally hit something which turned the guidance map on so it always comes on and even if I switch to another screen will return to it. Thanks Bella
There are two persistent screens on the Gen II MFD: 1) Nav, or map as you call it, and 2) Info. Select one of these two and the MFD will automatically return to it after using the audio or climate control screens. If you don't want to see the map, switch to one of the Info screens. If you switch to anything else it will automatically revert after a few seconds. Tom
Is ther any way for me to keep the Audio screen as my default screen. I want to keep that screen in the forefront, so I will be able to switch between sources (AM, FM. BT, SAT, etc) and move between channels in each (I know I can change modes and channels on the steering wheel, but I prefer seeing the entire screen in the NAV window,
If you have the Gen III, select Setup and then select General. One of the choices is Auto Screen Change. If it is on, then you will divert back to the Map screen, even when you power down and then back up. If you turn it off, then you will stay on the screen last selected.