Hmm, I would not have characterized a 20 minute skid control ECU firmware update on the 2010 as "massive". Nor would I put the 2G accelerator pedal trimming exercise in that category. To me, a massive recall would be SSC 40G on Classic Prius, where the traction battery reseal required five hours of labor. Or is the definition of "massive" based upon the # of vehicles involved, even though the work performed on each vehicle requires relatively little time?
This really shows that Toyota has a very high self-standard. That decision gotta make the team work harder for upcoming generations of products.
Hey, I'm for anything that will drop the Prius price and make more available. My wife is going to need another car pretty soon, and that means a hybrid. Just watch those oil futures take off again, as soon as the economy improves.
Ok Guys, To me, this is one case where Toyota really screwed-up... They should have accepted the award. Recalls or not, the Prius is the most popular car in Japan. The Japanese people voted this as the best car with their pocket books. You don't see owner's abandoning their cars (and Toyota) just because of a recall. Nobody produces a perfect car. The Prius is technically the best in its' class. Keith