My 2005 Prius windshield got hit by something (a rock maybe?) and has a crack from the top to almost the bottom on the left side. So I need to replace it. Most of the glass places will use an aftermarket windshield. Or I can go to a Toyota dealer, and get the original Toyota part. The aftermarket will be about $450. The dealer with original part is $1400! My insurance will cover the amount as estimated by one of their recommended glass places, which use the aftermarket part. I'd like the original part, but the cost difference is substantial. Any experiences or suggestions on windshield replacements?
Try to find the best place, not the cheapest. I had mine replaced by a shop who offered to pay nearly all my deductable, and there are many who will offer free meals or other perks, but you have to ask yourself, why must they buy customers with perks and gimmics. The cut rate place scatched my cars finish down to bare metal with an obvious tool mark and damaged the molding. I got them to replace the molding, but they would take no responsibility for the scratched paint at all. Instead, the guy started pointing out rock chips on my bumper and saying the scratch they made was another rock chip, but it was an obvious tool mark, at the top of the window piller at the roof line and perpendicular to the direction a rock would fly. I rasied me voice at him and then he got all mad at me. Then after about two weeks, I was working with the Rear view mirror, and it pulled right off in my hand, bringing a big chunk of the new windshield with it. Obviously, there had been a void included in the glass, but again, they would take no responsibility, other than to waive all of my deductable if I told the insurance company another rock hit my windshield. I couldn't really get the insurance company to go after them, becuase they had a glass network they recommended that I chose not to use, so they made it clear to me I was relying on the glass installers warrantee only. I do have a place that might be worth recommending. I will look it up and post it here later.
Make sure the windshield is the same thickness as the OEM windshield. I have seen other posts of problems with non-OEM windshields making noise due to the glass being thinner.
i have two aftermarket, but make sure you get a reputable place to replace it, i got mine replaced for 220 dollars, that included a shadeband
Ok, thanks for the comments. I called around and googled, and settled on Tru Vu Auto Glass in Eagle Rock. Several auto glass places in Pasadena, including the one recommended by my insurance company, wanted about $450. This place said $218 plus tax! I interrogated them on the aftermarket windshield thickness, appearance, safety, etc., and their experience with Prii. It turns out that they are often referred to by two local Toyota dealers (surprising in itself), and in fact that had a windshield for my Prius already in stock. Given the frank discussion and the very positive reviews I found on the web, I went with them. Indeed the windshield looks exactly like the original, except it doesn't have the word "Toyota" on it. They did a very nice, seamless job on the installation with no damage to the car. They were very professional and knew exactly what they were doing. I was in and out in half an hour. For anyone who needs any glass on their Prius replaced and is close enough to know where Eagle Rock is, I highly recommend these guys.
Thanks alot on your recommendations I did go to that place u mentioned above. And you're right...i called about hour prior to my arrival. They already had my parts ready to go. it only took two men (owner and worker) less than 20min. These guys were professionals. It costed me total of $250. I was very pleased I went to this place. I HIGHLY recommend anyone who drives prius near this area.
If you're in CA, the insurance company must use the manufacturer labeled windshield if you replace it. This happened to us twice in the past and we had to fight with the insurance company but in the end, they had to do it. No after market windshield will be as good. Unfortunately, it happened again but after we stopped insuring for comp and collision. So I paid for it out of pocket. Our last Toyota glass(for our SC400) lasted 150K+ miles and was probably hit several hundred times by small to medium sized pebbles and never chipped or cracked. A largish(1 inch) stone finally did it in. Since we didn't have full coverage anymore, I paid for an aftermarket windshield. 3 months later its has a dozen small cracks and chips. Why? Because the aftermarket PPG glass is not tempered like the Japanese counterpart, so anything that hits it will crack and chip the windshield. I assumed that it had to be tempered to meet safety requirements but that isn't so. As long as you have two pieces of glass sandwiching the plastic sheeting that keeps it from shattering, it's legal. If you want crack and chip resistant, then it needs to be tempered which means you need the original. Plus, if your windshield isn't marked with the manufacturer labeling, then the car has been modified with after market parts and is not worth as much.
Every time I have to replace a windshield (rock hits that crack the window) I insist on OEM glass right from the manufacturer. I have tried the aftermarket glass in the past and it always chipped very easily when it was hit was a small rock. The OEM seemed more resistant to damage. My original Prius windshield is nicked up from rocks all over but no cracks in 87K miles. I am just shocked it has not cracked as hard as some rocks have hit it, like bullets bouncing off it. So I believe in OEM glass. I pay my $100 deductible regardless of the price of the glass.
I will never put another aftermarket windshield into a car. I've had too many problems with distortions and weak glass. OEM is the only way. I'd rather keep a cracked OEM windshield to be honest...
Any thoughts on the rear window? I recently had both the front and rear windows replaced, but I'm not happy with the way the rear spoiler fits back on. The shop insists it only fits one way with no adjustment, but there's now a gap between the bottom of the window and the spoiler that is big enough to require caulking or something. Any chance the PPG (Pit Prone Glass?) replacement is a different size than the original?
not to bring up an old thread but 'safe light repair' company did my windshield replacement for $175, installed, life time warranty. breifly asking for a discount landed me under the $200 mark, which was nice. i have an appointment for wed @ 9am, if its shaddy or sucks I will report. but if no report is made then all went well
I have also encounter this. I was parking my car near my flat, the next day I was intending of going down town to see the IT show, I notice a crack on my windscreen. In singapore we have cash card readers in all cars. Most of the cars in Singapore will simply leave the cash card in the cash card readers and have a cover to cover the reader so that it is not reviewing the card. Well I notice there is a crack on my windscreen near the cash card reader. This is very common in Singapore as there are some ~!@#$% who would do anything to just get the cash card from the car. To me I can visulize that the crack was caused by a hard object that smashed on my screen. I lodge a police report and went to have the windscreen replaced. I saw caught a glimpse of the invoice which was 1200 Singaopore Dollars. But its Original Toyota windscreen glass! Luckily I claimed my insurance. I only have to pay the excess of 100 Singapore Dollars. Well rather unluckily but I rather have it changed then driving around with a crack windscreen. After that I went back to 3m glare guard screen filter and got a layer of UV protector onto it and this really cost me 250 SGD. Damn. What a day!!
If you were happy with the work, can you send me the name and number of the person at Safelite you spoke with?