<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dstrout\";p=\"108178)</div> I like the NO CO2 one. Several weeks ago I saw a Prius in Chapel Hill, NC with LESS CO2 as the license plate, and thought it was very fitting.
how about one from the toyota commercial? RECHARGE!! i think it would have to be shortened though :mrgreen:
My plate is MVG 4WRD. I got it when I thought Toyota was only using that slogan for the Prius. It kinda bums me out they are using it so widely now, but I still think the idea embodies largely what the Prius stands for in the world of auotmobiles.
Just ordered... 'MPG 2 NV' here in CA. Plates arrive in 8-12 weeks. I don't even have my initial plates yet...
Quick question for Georgians: The state issues Alternative Fueled Vehicle tags on the cheap: http://www.dmvs.ga.gov/motor/plates/plate....e.asp?ptitle=AF. Does the prius qualify for one of these tags? By the way, my ever cynical uncle drove around with EGOTAG for most of his last 30 years. He'd always intentionally park next to any prestige tag car where ever he went.
A while ago, in my Acura MDX, I pickedup a group of college kids for a fellowship gathering. They noticed a cute little Prius and wanted to take a picture of it. I tried to follow and chase it down on the hwy but it just kept on dodging us. After we looked at the photo they took, we found out why later ..... License plate = "ANTI SUV"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigdaddy\";p=\"109650)</div> The Prius does no qualify for the alternative fuel tag I checked it out before i ordered my plate
My idea was to help people pronounce "PRIUS" correctly hince the plate I have now - "PREEEUS". Lately I've been feeling a little too "un-green" with that one so I've ordered "CONSRVN". I feel better already. :mrgreen:
PFREE US If PREEEUS helps people pronounce the name, I suppose I'm helping people to mispronounce the name with my california license: PFREE US I like it because: - It rhymes with Prius - The prius helps to Free Us from foreign oil dependence - The prius helps to Free the U.S. from foreign oil dependence - In the age of the "Patriot" act and "Digital Millenium" act, I want to remind people that a Free U.S. is what we're all about, not a Safe U.S. The license place is kind of like saying sarcastically "Pfffh Free U.S.'
How about the irony of getting the plate WAR4OIL ? :blink: It goes along with my bumper sticker: [Broken External Image]:http://dana.servepics.com/sticker1.jpg