Came from so called premium German brand. Absolutely love the Prius(Gen III). The cabin rattles so much! keep my cars for about 2 years and move on, but with these rattles will change very soon. Can we start a thread where we dont tell of rattles, but only describe here of rattles we had and how we cured them. All the other threads come to a dead end! Moderators, could you please get some tech feedback from Toyota etc as to how to cure most rattles. They are ruining this fantastic car. This fault is so serious it might be used as the next GM propaganda against Toyota.
Hows your rattle? Please only post if you have a fix for one of the many, many rattles and how it was cured. Wifes/Girlfriends are exempt as these rattles have no cure. Tanx.
Like many nuances with this car, some people experience them and others don't. I have 14,000 miles so far and no rattles whatsoever. I love my Prius, but I don't like the inconsistent issues that pop up from one car to another. Oh well. Still getting 50+ MPG!
I think more people need to find the rattles and tell the dealers. Like the console rattle i think there is a fix for it now. If they get alot of complants they will come out with a fix. So my sugestion is for more people to tell their dealers about the rattles they hear.
There are threads about the rattles and fixes, here is one with pictures of some fixes people have implemented