Yes, I would buy another one today, but still have to get more miles out of my present one. Will probably go for a 2012.
If want to buy one buy it. I don't feel unsafe in mine at all. Just forget about all the media if that is bothering you and make sure it's the car you want. I'm sure most will agree we don't need another unhappy or scared person posting negative comments 10 times a day in here. I'm very happy with my car.
If I had the $$$ I would buy a new those 17" wheels! Enjoy your new car (assuming you will make purchase).....
I just ordered mine last Saturday. Taking delivery in the next week or so. It's off the January production line, so no worries about the braking software upgrade. I think we got some good incentives for it, and the wife and I have been looking at the Prius for 3 years, waiting until our circumstances were right for it. Dealer offered 1500 as down payment, threw in the hood deflector and all season mats, and used our 1000 loyalty reward towards cash to close and first month's payment. So we get to drive off the lot for free, and not pay until the 2nd month. The only other option we did was to have the Blu Logic installed. The wife isn't pleased that she doesn't get to drive it... But at least she can enjoy my 2008 Yaris I'm giving to her! Even after the media storm lately, we wouldn't change a thing. I'd make the same purchase today or next week! Been wanting this car for years, and am so excited to finally be getting it!!
Most people, given the choice between a tiny risk that they know about vs a huge risk that they don't, will chose the latter...
Just to say that mine has come off the production line in January, on the 27th in fact. However, it still had the old ECU software on it and my dealer is flashing it at the same time he turns off that pesky reversing beeper pre delivery (next week!!). So moral of the story is that don't assume because it was in January you don't need the update. The reality is that it will make no difference at all, but just FYI.
Not me and it has nothing to do with the recall. Frankly, the car has been a big dissapointment gas mileage wise. No car is perfect and there are a few things I would change about this one but nothing that would prevent me from buying it again except the gas mileage. My car struggles to get above mid 30s. I have read all the posts but I refuse to stand on my head, with a hula hoop spinning around one leg, chewing on a turkey leg and singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm in order to get the advertised MPG. My other cars always did about the same winter summer spring fall, good weather bad weather, uphill downhill, etc., etc. Any change in gas mileage was neglibible unless I did a long distance non stop trip. This car just does not do well period and I can't believe that once the temperatures go up I will gain 15 miles to the gallon. Longer trips help a couple of miles a gallon but not much more. I could have spent a lot less and gotten a car with real mileage in the 30s.
Oh yeah, you're crazy. Haven't you watched ABC, CNN? Read The papers lately or listened to the radio? Don't you know ALL Toyota's are cleverly designed death traps? The new spokesperson for Toyota USA is going to be the puppet from the SAW series of movies. (voice by Ray LaHood) Go ahead and buy one, but don't come complaining to me when you awaken chained in the front seat with a voice recorder within reach that says "Play Me". Since I don't use smilies, I'm going to just say...I'm just kidding. If it's the car you want? Buy it! When things settle down, you'll be Crazy Smart.
I tend to agree with MikeDS. I find my issues with the car are more about the rattles than any safety issues. And the positives outwiegh the negatives in my mind. I would buy/lease again.
It seems Toyota is not immune from the historical industry problem of first year models on revised, new designs.
I would definitely buy! Took possession on 1/30 and have loved driving it every day. The comments from friends and family are much more centered around wanting to see it/drive it as opposed to negative comments about toyota.
If I had to replace my Prius would I get another one? - In a heartbeat. Is it perfect? - Hell no! It just meets my needs and preferences so much better than anything else that there's no contest. What would I drive if I had so much money that the cost of any car was small change? - A Prius If I didn't need to buy now would I buy now or hold off? - I'd probably buy soon because they are unlikely to ever be as cheap again
Did my research and purchased a used 2010 at a very good price. Took the vehicle for three test drives and was able to reproduce the brake issue, but it happened at low speed (as described by others) and likely went no more then 5 to 10 feet before the brakes reacted normally again. The fix will be done by the time we pick the car up tomorrow. My daughter got her new 2009 a month ago and loves the vehicle.
I would buy one if I needed a new vehicle. I'm not worried about re-sale. Wanting to be "green" requires that you drive em til they drop or just get to be too much trouble to keep.
Since Tesla's Roadster isn't a good fit for me, if I needed to replace my V-AT today I'd start shopping for another V-AT tomorrow.
In a quarter century of keeping fuel logs, I've never experienced this on any car. Yes, I'd buy another Prius. All the recent alleged Toyota warts, it confirmed and stuffed into a single car, would still leave it much safer than any previous car in my household.