Major airbag problems that have caused one death already. Honda recall airbags: Recall expands to another 438,000 vehicles / The Christian Science Monitor -
Let's try to resist the temptation to revel in epicaricacy. (Schadenfreude to our German members) The measure of a person is as much in how they respond to their own difficulties as it is in how they respond to others'.
Well put our fearless leader, however, .. Chandra Levy who? Hurricane Katrina what? Michael Jackson who? Sunami what? Osama Bin Buttplugg where? Tiger Woods who? Haiti's back to normal right? Toyota Who? Honda what? Sadly it's not our fault, we are just responding to the Media Hype abounding around us, and to busy being like lemmings to resist!!! The Breaking News Biz is broken! Can't wait until 12/21/2012 comes around....