I purchased a 2009 Toyota Prius in March of 2009. Base model. Paid $22,000 out the door. It has been, and I expect it to be in the future, an excellent quality product. My third Toyota automobile since 1971. The brakes work wonderfully. The floor mat does not interfere with any other component of the car. The throttle responds to input from my foot which responds to the input from my brain. I have read the owners manual. I am aware of how to handle the unlikely abnormal situations that may occur with this product. I know the risks of operating an automobile. I have been driving 46 years. There are currently many people in the world that would welcome the privilege of having access to an automobile in order to make a better life for their families. Even if that automoblile was not perfect. Let's keep our fortunate life in perspective!
We purchased a 2009 Toyota Prius in March of 2009. Package V. It has been, and I expect it to be in the future, an excellent quality product. Our third Toyota automobile since 1989. The brakes work wonderfully. The floor mat does not interfere with any other component of the car. The throttle responds to input from my foot which responds to the input from my brain. I have read the owners manual. I am aware of how to handle the unlikely abnormal situations that may occur with this product. I know the risks of operating an automobile. I have been driving 39 years. There are currently many people in the world that would welcome the privilege of having access to an automobile in order to make a better life for their families. Even if that automobile was not perfect. Let's keep our fortunate life in perspective! The details vary, but the sentiment is the same.
drove our 04 for 4 years, took it in for the software recall for stalling on the highway, although it never happened to me. had the headlight leveler replaced under warranty. hit a deer and totaled the front end, had it all repaired, 70,000 mi. still runs like brand new. we also have had an 08 for 2 1/2 years, seems a bit more refined than the 04, slightly better mileage, may be the age difference, i don't know, perfect car in every way. i was thinking about a gen III, but may hold out for the phev depending on how long the wait will be. i have a 14 mile commute, round trip and would love to do it electrically! thinking of taking a hybrid fusion for a test spin. if it's as nice as our hycam, i would consider trading. but ford? i think i'd want a ten year unconditional warranty!
I have a 2008, #6, my daughter a 2009, #2. NO problems with brakes, brake pedal, mats, anything, NOTHING. ZERO, ZIP
I hate to say that I've had all the same problems with my 2008 Pkge 3 - None. It is a wonderful car in every way. My other vehicle is a 2004 Passat - ditto on that as well. With increasing technology there will be increasing glitches. Sometimes they will be serious. I don't have a good fix for that. Toyota makes a quality vehicle. Right now a window of opportunity has opened for the competitors to gain some ground. Toyota will fix this and be better for it. My daughter drives a 2010 Corolla and it IS subject to the recall. The mat recall is ridiculous. Awareness is part of driving. If the mat is out of position in any car it couild pose a problem. Let's make sure that we remember that the quality appeal of many imports has driven the American auto makers to improve their products.
And, a great big -0- problems with mine, as well. Prius 2008, not sure which package since I bought it used. Best car I've ever had...or even driven! It's an amazing piece of technology that just works. Thank you for this thread. Chuck
check my sig, my 88 is the bomb. Run like a top and very little cost to keep it that way. Toyota is the last car I will ever own.
No complaints here! I have an 05 Avalon (one of the very early ones). When you buy one of the first of a new model, there are some things that might not be quite perfect. It has had one recall and one TSB item not counting the floor mat situation (which is totally BS if you use the factory mats and hook the drivers side to the two hooks provided) and the accelerator issue. My 07 Prius will be three years old next week, and there have been no problems. I have been driving for sixty years and have owned or leased about three dozen cars. The Prius is the easiest to drive car that I have ever owned. Toyota has a big job on their hands, but they will pull through with flying colors. Again, no complaints here.
Our Toyota history started out 30 years ago when my brother brought home this ugly green wagon. Damn thing ran so well that we started buying Toyota's (my mom changed cars every 2-3 years) on a regular basis. My first car was a tiny little Toyota with a manual choke. It was the only car that started for miles when the temps went down to 48 below zero (NOT plugged in!). My daughter learned to drive on my 1988 Toyota p/u, 120k when it was stolen. I am on my second Prius and cannot imagine returning to a conventional vehicle. I have had no problems with either car, love not doing brake jobs, smog checks and other more routine maintenance. Yes I do love my Toyota and will continue to buy Toyotas cause it's my money that I work hard for!
I have no difficulty grasping the victim mindset. I have difficulty endorsing it as a viable solution to a problem one encounters with life. I have had recent experience with Throttle Position Sensors causing uncommanded acceleration in an automobile. Not Toyota. I parked the car, filed reports with NHSTA, contacted the manufacturer and dealt with them over an extended period of time to resolve the problem. We came to an amicable solution, they took possession of the problem automobile and gave me a new one of equal value. Being a victim was not part of the solution process. I fly jets for a living hauling people to various places around the world. Jets are machines with many interrelated components. It is extremely rare but sometimes components malfunction. I deal with the malfunction so as not to become a victim. That is my choice. Enjoy the peace and quiet in the cabin whilst you read, nap, work.
Thanks for the explanation! I guess when they start making me identify and interpret smiley faces on the vision chart as part of my flight physical I will have to find other employment. :focus:
in these dark times of toyotas problems, i would like to refresh this thread. we're all happy and content.
Toyota, My Prius is still flawless. It always does what I intend it to. Thanks for such a wonderful and unique car. You still have my trust and I only plan to buy HSD (or something better) vehicle in the future. Sincerely, your happy customer.