I had a my brakes quit working also. It is intermitent and the VCS,ABS, checkengine and brake light comes on with a constant peeping. The first time the dealer was not able to fix it they said they checked the brakes and it was ok. It happend again took it to a different place the codes werec1252 Hydro boost pump motor falt and c1256 Accumulator low pressure. The Dealer will only do the work if you replace bboth parts. But only one is bad but they say it is time comsumeing to change them.One part costs 1490.00 and the other is 1625.66 pluse the labor to replace them.I cant afford to fix it and afraid to drive it. the cars been sitting for 3 months and Im makeing payments on it while I try to get help from Toyota corp. No luck yet
Bummer. I know it doesn't help you, but for anyone else reading this post, this brake problem is unrelated to the current recall. The OP is describing a failed component in his car, not a design issue found in all Prius. Tom
It sounds like im not the only one that had thes components fail. It happens with out warning your breaks are hard as a rock and it takes some distance to stop. With the fix at about5000. I would hope for some kind of help from toyota. It could cost someone their life, thats why I wont drive it until I get it fixed or REPOED hard to make payments and not drive .
I suggest that you check salvage yards to see whether you can buy a salvage 2G brake actuator assembly. That part includes the pump motor and the pressure accumulator. (I did an eBay Motors search earlier and did not find that assembly for sale.) If you can find one, then ask your dealer's service dept whether they would be willing to install the salvage part for you.