As your dealer will already be 'connected' to your car, this is probably a great time to have some of those annoying things 'fixed' - like backup beeper... Not sure what else I'd have done though - any suggestions?
This is a good point as the "upgrade" may in fact reset your settings back to the default. Probably a different ECU, but who knows.
More than that! :flypig: This could be a great opportunity to solve any PR problem with existing owners: * A free new nav DVD for all the earlier 2009 deliveries; * Resetting oil change warning from 5K to 10K; * Free customization -- reverse beep, etc -- for anyone who wants it. Real cost in time and materials would be insignificant, but impact on customer loyalty considerable. Mr. Toyoda? Are you there?
I don't think that's currently possible. People like that piss me off, people who demand a free dessert when the waitress make a small mistake, etc.
Lighten up. I'm sure Silverfog is making fun of the waitress by asking free desert and doesn't really expect it to happen.
The idea of rebuilding customer support is a good one. The residual or trade in value of the Prius been dramatically changed, in terms of real dollars, and needs to be addressed. The ideas as stated above are not free by any means. They have literally cost us thousands. Please keep in mind the "promise of the brand", ie, brand equity, works both ways. When its strong companies grow and consumers associate themselves with the company and when it becomes tarnished the only way to bring customers back is through value. Recalls, in an industry, are cheap, its the rebuilding of the brand thats the expensive part.
Rescheduling oil changes from 5k to 10k miles is not a good idea. You'd be doing yourself a disservice. Jeez take care of your car. Can you really not afford an oil change? As for Toyota trying to rebuild their image I think a lot of you are misguided. Toyota was never a luxury brand or even close. You put them high upon a pedastool and when they name a mistake - albeit one that other manufacturers have yet to even know due to the complicated electronic braking system - everyon cries foul. What does everyone then and now think of when they hear Toyota? "Cheap reliable cars" is probably on the top of the list still. You want safety? Buy a Volvo. You want luxury? Buy a Mercedes. You want performance? Buy a BMW. Toyota is still tops in its own niche and in it's own right. Sure they can work to rebuild your trust but not much has changed and in a few months this thing will all blow over. Some here need to stop thinking they are so entitled.
Lack of trust. As of today toyota UK was still blaming the driver. Given the attitude, and one more possible shoe to drop (ex toyota lawyer whistle blower had the case moved to federal court so he could release documents showing supression of evidence in liability case), and repeated denials of acceleration claims, it appears toyota was dragged kicking and screaming to this safety recall. This creates a lack of trust in the philosophy of continuous improvement that toyota stood for. Even while the general is saying the right words, some of the troops are still blaming the drivers. As Mr. Toyoda has said the culture needs to start paying attention to customer complaints and be transparent to the safety associations. The recall is a step in the right direction, but given the recent track record, and statements from dealers and spokemen, many will not believe that toyota is serious until it acts correctly for a while. Many buy toyota because it is toyota, and belive in the toyota way. Ignoring customers safety worries is not going to be repaired quickly. as alternatives to the corola - honda fit and civic, mazda 3, chevy cruze, ford focus. as alternative to camery - honda accord and ford fussion. This is why toyota dropped sales projections. You can read their own figures. If they return to their values these sales losses will be short lived. If they don't you will recall ford with its explorer issues took a very long time to turn around.