Hi guys, I did a search but can't find what I'm looking for. Here is my problem. On the driver side where the rear bumper wraps around and mates with the rear quarter panel it appears there are some tabs where the rear bumper fits over to lock in place. My rear bumper was repainted and it appears that when they reinstalled the bumper they didnt correctly attach the tabs. Now, on this side only the bumper sticks out about 1/4" along the side about 8 inches in length starting from the tailight. I want to correctly attach it but I don't know how to properly remove the bumper to correctly reattach it. Has anyone removed theirs that could give me some helpful instructions? Thanks, Larry
Larry, I've never done it, but see pages ET-8 thru ET-13 of the Exterior chapter of the service/repair manual: http://www.hybrid-synergy.eu/Documents_2006/ET - Exterior.pdf