Naturally with all the talk about Toyota and now the Prius braking issue one becomes more observant trying to figure out what would I do if it should happen. My gen 111 series IV seems fine and I have never experienced the pot hole change of braking system event. However I do notice that when I am stopped if I push down too hard on the brakes the traction control activates, beeps and yellow symbol on the dash illuminates. Is this normal? I cannot remember any car that I could activate it like this but then this is my first Prius. Love the car and the pot hole brake thing does not concern me too much as it appears logical the car could possibly switch from re-gen to conventional braking in this situation. I guess it is the half second or so reported time lag that bothers some people? Peter
You are activating the "hill holder" feature. If you push down hard, the brakes lock, allowing you to move your foot to the gas without rolling down hill. It's in your user manual. Tom
Thanks for the info Tom must have missed that in the manual I will check tonight. It is definitely the traction control light that comes on yellow/orange with squigly lines extreme left of the instrument cluster. Peter