I agree with this poster. My Prius handles much better in the snow and on ice than a few of the front wheel drive autos that I have owned. I do have winter tires. I believe that this fact may be keeping me from experiencing the "brake problem". This is a great car. I am hoping to lease one for my spouse within the next few months. Proud Prius II owner since August '09.
A little over 3400 miles and so far so good. But, I'm staying tuned to the Toyota Information Machine.
I was thinking just that same thought. Must be a lot of us then. I'm envious of the 2006 Civic's display, the only thing better would be a display/transparent film with the basics just below line of sight. Seems like this sort of thing could be a small 4"x6" screen retrofitted: I'd go for that. As to the braking thing, I was out driving on the icy roads here in DC and think I felt what seemed like the tires slipping at 25mph or thereabouts. Other than that haven't noticed anything as I expect to adapt to any car I drive.
Pearlescent White Prius V with ATP is two weeks old, no problems. The last Prius was a 2007, I loved it so much I bought another new one. that 2007 had one possible glitch, very minor, on braking one time, never again in 3 years. Sold that black 2007 Prius Touring to a sibling who loves it. (See Photo Albums section for pics.) This is all Big News because it didn't happen to GM, which would have caused a gigantic YYYAAAAWWWWWN, and comment like, " So, What's New ? " Toyota is finally shown to be human and capable of error. Whether that error was having their accelerators 'Made In America' or the design of them is something we still do not know. What we do know is the problem does not happen often, or to everyone. I worry about this about as much as I worry about the moon crashing down us. But then I am Not Chicken Little.
I got my Prius III sicne Jan 16 2010, have put on 1980 miles on it... so far so good.. haven't got any problem... I'm Happy with it.. I got average about 43 to 46 Mpg. I drove about 100 miles round trip to work, mostly highway... driving between 70 to 78 Mph... Still learning on how to get better Mpg for my new Prius... It is pretty fun to drive..
Absolutely love my 1 week old Prius III! Even better is that I've been able to change people's opinions of what kind of car the Prius really is. Every friend who has checked it out has come away impressed.
Absolutely no proplems. I suspect there is a lot of politics in the media frenzy. As I understand the matter, there is a brake pedal issue (on a rough surface) between regen and actual braking. Further, as I understand it, every hybrid shares the same issue, as will (in the future) electrics like the Volt and Leaf.
HUMU, 2004, at 55,000 still working fine with no anomalies. I've been looking at the car in a different light, though, wondering if something will suddenly happen. There was some flap about the HID lights going off; that'd be an unpleasant experience on some of our darker lakeshore roads here in Seattle. I second the observation about brakes. HUMU is still on the original brakes with about 75% left.
2010 purchased 7/31/09. Very basic model. Have tried all the things to stimulate the "Braking Problem" so far so good. Will get to test it tomorrow. 24 Inches of snow in Northern Va and more on the way.
It's the nicest car I've ever owned... My wife asked me the other day "if you could own ANY car, money is no object, what would it be?" My honest answer - 2010 Blizzard Pearl Prius IV :thumb:
40 days & 1200 miles now, and all's well. I've also attempted the pothole braking, but it keeps working normal - so no complaints. Note: I knew in advance of this issue by reading a bunch of this forum's threads prior to my 12/31/09 purchase. It was nice to be able to make the decision to purchase in advance of writing the big check! Thanks, Prius Forum ........ :yo: Bart in SoCAL
I love my 2010 Prius. Wife, very intelligent, but would take a fair offer for her. Prius, nope, like it too much.
The car is great except for the brake anomaly (which my wife and I have both experienced) and that it is getting 38 mpg right now. After the software update I'll be waiting for warm weather to bring the mileage back up.
We've had a few minor issues, including the brakes being "grabby" in reverse and squeaky sometimes. On the other hand, we've never once experienced an unexpected loss of braking. Our biggest complaints are the relatively poor winter gas mileage and the really poor rear visibility out the back window (especially in winter with a coating of dirt/salt).
I only have had my 2010 for 2 months now, 2500 miles, and so far no problems at all either (fingers crossed). Had my 2006 prius do that braking problem once when I was beginning to enter rush hour, i had to brake fast and hit a pot hole. It felt like I didn't have brakes and the traction control light came on, but I personally never felt like I didn't have any brakes. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't this braking problem stem from; instead of the car smoothly transitioning from regenerative/pad braking to totally pad braking it transitions roughly making someone think that they don't have brakes? That is what my mind is sort of telling me. As for the whole gas pedal thing. I don't use cruse control and have never had my prius just "rocket" (as CNN puts it) itself, without my foot causing it to rocket when I tell it to.