Copied here from the wrong forum.... Help please, I have searched several forums with no luck. I want to remove the rear bumper cover to fit parking sensors. Does anyone have any decent notes about how to do this?, I can see 3 'bolts' either side inside the boot but I'm not sure if they are removed from inside or outside. Thanks!. PS its a 1991 saloon. Steve Edit. Sorry, I meant how to remove the bumper, not how to fit the sensors.
This may not be a direct benefit to you, but here's a picture of the rear bumper parts. Maybe looking at the parts will give you a clue for removal. I got it from Discount Toyota Parts. There may be a similar vendor in the UK.
Thanks for that. It shows the problem up, Parts 3,4, and 5 are the fasteners I can see from in the boot (trunk), 3 sets each side, I just can't work out if they are undone from inside or outside the car. I'll have another look later. That's a handy website, and the prices are good.
Did it today, in case anyone else needs to know....... Remove the plastic plugs from the boot lining and lock cover and peel back. From inside the car, remove 3 nuts either side (left hand has 2 behind the battery so a bit fiddly. Remove a nut either side just in from the lamps, and 1 either side of the lock. Then remove 2 pins under the bumper, (push in to remove). The bumper then slides off easy.
I had an 'encounter' with a concrete parking garage pole (the pole won) and scraped my rear bumper cover. I'm hoping I can remove it and take it to a shop to have it fixed. I have a good manual, Bently, but only shows an 'exploded' view of the rear bumper without instructions for removal, but the front bumper does (?). *I'm just checking for understanding here, 'boot lining' is the carpet... 1.Turn the locks and peel back. 2.Then remove the 3 nuts (bolts?) on either side (of what?). 2 are behind the batt. and are a little harder to get out. 3.Remove 1 (?) nut (on) either side just in(side?) from the tail light assembly, & 1 on either side of the lock (what lock?). 4.Remove 2 pins under the bumper-push in to remove. 5.Bumper (cover?) slides off easy (pull out, down..?). 6.Installation is in the reverse order(yes?) If you can help me out, and if I can remove and have it fixed, I can provide detailed instructions, with photos (if I can remember to take photos). Then the forum will have perfect instructions on the cover removal, with both of us providing input. Now, anyone want to give instructions on the rear 'bumper' removal/installation??? I guess if you've figured out how to remove the front bumper, the manual doesn't need to detail the rear.
This is very helpful. I had posted a few weeks ago asking about this because I am needing to remove the rear bumper to install the A/C outlet for my enginer plug-in kit. I haven't yet figured out how it comes off.
Removed my rear bumper looking for a mysterious leak that fills my battery compartment when it rains. Unfortunately for me it is still mystery ... It is quite simple to remove the rear bumper. Here are the photos... Step 1 - Go under the car and remove clip and screw. These are the clips and screw that needs to be pulled out from under the bumper Remove screw on both side Remove screw and unclip. Do the same for the other side and bumper will slide out easily.
Ok, a couple of questions: Have you covered the top and sides of the traction battery case with paper to rule out leaks from the trunk seal? What did you do to rule out the external vent? Thanks, Bob Wilson
Thanks for your response. Great idea with using paper. Will try that. Let's keep this as the bumper removal thread and pick this up in the "Water leak...into spare tire area etc" thread.