Yes, but what does this mean to us regular folks who might wear a tennis shoe or an occasional python boot? Well, I bought a VX8100 yesterday, and as predicted OBEX has been disabled so that there's no way to transfer the phone book to the Prius. I have been able to place calls through the NAV screen, and I've been able to place and receive calls using the steering wheel buttons. The integrated handsfree kit seems to work pretty well - about as well as any other hardwired handsfree kit I've used. I have not figured out whether it's possible to use the phone's built in voice recognition with the Prius handsfree kit. For example, I believe that if you're using a bluetooth headset, you can dial numbers solely with voice commands with this phone. (I do not have a BT headset yet, so I can't confirm this). It would be cool if there was a way to do this with the Prius - among other things this would make the inability to ytransfer the phone book much less of a deal for me.