My doctor diagnosed me as having a duodenal ulcer:target: and he put me on 4-1 gm carafate tabs for about a year now. Although it works great and I dropped down to a maintenance dose of 2 pills per day, it seems to come back especially under times of stress. I know, keep my cool..Easier said than done, but, was wondering if anyone else has experienced this condition. Is this something one has to live with forever? How safe would taking carafate long term be on my body?
But seriously, get tested for helicobacter pylori The Helicobacter Foundation That is what I had. The antibiotic treatment cleared it right up
Do a Google search on "mastic gum h pylori". At a cost of about $40, a bottle of mastic gum is cheaper than doing the test for h pylori. If it works, you had h pylori. If it doesn't, you've got something else. If it's something else, read "Digestive Tuneup" by Dr. John McDougall.
Ohh man. Not fun. I thought I had one last year but it turned out worse. I hope yours heals up quick!
They're no fun. I almost died from two that blew out about 2 years ago... one at each end of the stomach. After 6 days in the hospital I walked out a little worse for wear, but I did walk out. I do take a base med to turn off the stomach acid pumps each day. I'm glad it's over... but I still keep an eye on things.