I feel a bit stupid asking this. I googled it, I looked at both the descriptions of ipads and iphones, I see it listed as a feature, one that costs just a bit more but no where do I see them explain exactly how it changes a users experience. I get that it's a network something or other.... I guess I'm just enough out of the know to not have a clue. What is 3G and how does it change how you use a product or what it does?
It's basically wireless broadband data service for cellular device/mobile phones. Speeds range from 3x that of a 56k modem to 2.4 Mb/s (Close to cable modem speed... Here's a good page on 3G from CNET CNET's quick guide to 3G cell phone service - CNET Reviews In areas around the US 4G is out already, and will soon be replacing 3gG in many more markets. It's basically faster than 3G.
Just to add a bit of different detail ... 3G is the 3rd Generation of cell phone systems. The original analog phones were the first generation. Then came the first digital phones as 2G. Some improved systems were labeled 2.5G, a stepping stone to the much higher data rates of 3G. And of course 4G is now being deployed.
Thanks guys. I get it now... I've avoided paying for "data service" with my cell phone so haven't kept up. I'm assuming that 3G, 3GS, 4G, etc. all cost bucks? I'm confused. So is this in addition to the 15 or 30 dollars apple talks about for the ipad or is this the fee for the G whatever?
iPad - not the first release - can have as an option, a little celluar modem to connect wirelessly to the internet like a iPhone does now. 3GS is apple talk for the latest iPhone that is "speedier" than just 3g. Wireless, to be confusing, generally refers to a network connection on computers. Wireless on phone can mean connect to a computer network or a phone network.
I think I get it. Does this mean that if I get an ipad, pay them nothing per month, I can use it like I do my macbook now... and access the internet in places where there is already internet wifi. If I want to be able to access the internet anywhere, I can pay extra for the 3G, AND the monthly fee of 15 or 30 to do so?
Yes - you buy a monthly service to connect to a phone network for the iPad to use 3G anywhere ATT has 3G service. If you go to a starbucks etc you can use wireless to connect to their computer network to browse the internet. You know you can buy a 3g card for your mac book ?
I think the iPad with WiFi access is the expensive one ($830). The basic ones let you do 3G, but you have to pay AT&T $15 a month to hook up to the 3G network.. Incidentally, I appreciate your asking about 3G, Octavia. I've been using it for a couple years and really had no clue what it meant.
Just to clarify - It's $130 to add the 3g card to any of the ipads. The other cost difference is the amount of storage - ranging from 16 gigs to 64 gigs. So the bottom is $499 for 16 gigs, no 3g, and the top is $829 for 64 gigs with 3g.
AT&T is going to offer a data plan for the iPad for $30 a month. That means you can use your iPad with 3g anywhere there is an at&t service signal. I read that you can buy the iPad w/ 3G and then after turning it on there will be an option to purchase the service over the air. Plus you have to pay more for an iPad 3G as noted above. If you get a plain iPan with WiFi, you can only use it where there is an open WiFi signal. Not everywhere like on the highway if (hopefully) someone else is driving (and not you).
Yes, I'm trying to reason out if this would be a cost effective alternative for me as a student. It's going to depend a lot on the textbook part of the ibooks.... I'm trying to figure out if it will be less to buy them for the reader or the same. I'm still trying to figure out how it all interacts. So... If I bought the 3G one, was paying 15.00 a month for the smaller data transfer package, would an ibook purchase use up some of my data transfer allowance?
Yes Octavia. The $15/mo is limited to 250mb. I dont know how much it is to download a ibook however. If I were you, I would get the unlimited data plan for $30. Who knows what you might end up doing in 1 month with the iPad. You hear about people being charged $5000 for watching a youtube video on their phone. Now imagine you have an iPad. You can do much more than watch a youtube video. You risk unexpectedly running up your ATT bill. Of course I wouldn't buy the ATT 3G plan at all - but if I did buy one, itd be unlimited.
The good news is these are no contract plans, so you aren't locked into anything for more than a month at a time.