Today 2/6/2010 3:15pm CDT, I was Googling "NEWS 2010 Prius Brakes" and was rewarded with a response from the Detroit AP stating that Toyota Dealers had been notified that a 2010 Prius Brake fix was coming earlie next week! David (aka Blind guy)
I'm going to miss the high rush I get from the momentarily loss of braking power on my daily commute around downtown LA where there are tons of potholes.
*UPDATE* Read another story by CNN verifying that a fix is coming next week. CNN states that dealers were notified Friday (2/5/2010) of a fix for the popular 2010 Prius (NO mention of software or hardware being the culprit) and that more information would be forthcoming early next week. David (aka Blind Guy)
Guys, are you reading the same stories I am? It says, when I read it, that Toyota will make an ANNOUNCEMENT of the fix solution next week- and that, while they have implemented some kind of a fix for the cars coming off the assembly line, they are still working on a solution for the cars already released in the USA. There's a big difference between making an ANNOUNCMENT of a fix solution as opposed to an actual fix...
We have been informed that it will be a reflash of the ECU with updated software. The ones that are coming off the line right now with the updated software was relatively simple, fresh ECU with no software to remove or update makes installing new software simple. The ones that are currently on the dealer's inventory or currently in service will have to have their software updated. This means either removing or rewriting existing software (not sure which at this point). It requires a Toyota to train the dealership's service technicians on the new software and how to properly update it.
I didn't know if I should start a new thread or add to this or one of the other threads. Toyota to announce Prius action plan soon - Yahoo! News Too much to quote, but here's one that pertains to the US:
Some Japanese folk's Prius are already applied the fix. They said the fix changed the feelings noticeably and the brake loss was almost instantly recovered by hydraulic. Ken@Japan
More signs of the coming recall: Prius recall reportedly on the way for Japan This is especially good for the New York Times editorial page, which announced a then nonexistent recall in Saturday morning's paper. NYTimes, February 6 2010: "And it initially kept consumers in the dark about problems with brakes on its Prius hybrid, now (emphasis added) subject to a separate recall." Maybe the U.S. recall will come in time for Monday morning's editoral page.