Flashing low fuel bar came up yesterday, I drove 30 miles, felt the engine stumble a few seconds, dash lit up like a Christmas tree and I drove a few blocks to park at work (was running late for a meeting). An hour later, I started it and drove about 1/4 mile to the nearest gas station on battery power to fill up. Engine started right up after fill up. Gas mileage on this new tank according to the readout: 32 mpg Is it possible when the engine ran lean the computer attempted to compensate by adjusting the fuel trim? If so, can it be reset? Normal mileage for me is mid-40's with the AC running. Only other strangeness is that the car does not want to run on battery at low speeds in town. On the interstate, it seems normal with normal instantaneous mpg readout in the upper 40's to low 50's Around town, mpg is miserable. I've diven it only 40 miles since the fill up, so I have no idea if it is self-correcting. Any ideas of what is going on? Mike '05 Driftwood #6
Drive more miles.. You are heavy with a full-tank of gas, and you're just being paranoid. It'll switch to battery when you don't push it, and you should get your average MPG by the end of the tank.
At only 40 miles, your MPG readout is very inaccurate. It will take at least 100 miles to get a meaningful number; this is only 2 gallons.
you pulled the BSOC down and the ICE is running more to bring up the charge. Once back to the nomal range of charge the ICE will go back to normal operation and the mileage will improve. I'd say normal
like others are saying, don't even bother looking at your mpg for the first 100 miles or so. when the car ran out of gas the engine just quit, like any other engine. it didn't try to run on "less" fuel... how long have you had your prius?
3 months. With computer controlled engines and O2 sensors, when a car runs low on fuel, the O2 sensor should show lean (engine is sucking air and less fuel) and the computer should attempt to compensate. Mike
Side effects of running out of gas: 1) Extra wear on the fuel pump as it cooled by the gas in the tank on most cars and doesn't like sucking air. 2) If you drive in EV more than you usually would when you have gas, you can cause extra wear on the battery, as it isn't meant to be the exclusive means of propulsion for a sigificant period of time. 3) I am unsure, but doesn't the starter keep trying to start the car? This wouldn't be good. 4) You look foolish on the side of the road or golf carting it on the shoulder (or worse yet, holding up traffic). Non Prius drivers than think "What a POS!". Toyota has said "Do not let the car run out of gas". All car makers recommend not running out of gas. Why people feel the need to push the envelope is beyond me. I've never ever run out of gas in my life in any vehicle or even had friends or family run out of gas. I am sure you're car is fine, but don't do it again. If only for the sake of our collective image.
Agreed. However, I have never had a car that gave me 30 miles once the low fuel light started to flashing. In fact, every other car I have owned with a low fuel light went at least twice that far, if not three times. If I'm out in a rural area, with over 30 miles between gas stations, I'll be filling up once the last lit bar shows. Mike
We ran out of gas in southern Utah last week. Thought the next littloe town would have a gas station but it didn't and the closest one was 67 miles. Our last bar started blinking well before that and we ran out of gas 23 miles from town. My husband said, "I've gone a lot farther on the last bar blinking than this." Well, after we got a 5-gallon can full into her, she started right up. I had to go through the start-up a few times before the red triangle of doom went out as well as the check engine light. The fuel gauge didn't re-set, however. In fact, that last bar kept blinking until we got into town and filled up the tank the rest of the way. Then, very slowly - bar by bar - it showed a full tank. However, we notice that we are going much greater distances before losing the first bar. Like 227 miles! Maybe I'll have to re-calibrate?
Someone posted a long time ago that running out of gas is recorded by the car and revealed to the technician, who can void warranty if he feels that the damage was caused by running out of gas.