This is February 5, 2010. For the last 2 weeks every major newspaper and every major TV news channel have produced multiple complaints against Toyota products. These complaints regard sudden failure of the brakes, stuck gas pedals, and sudden failures of HID headlights. The stuck gas pedal is made by an American company, CST Corporation. The brake and headlight mechanisms may or may not be manufactured by American companies - I'm not sure. The complaints involve many different Toyota vehicles, including the Prius and others. My 2010 Prius 3 has not suffered any of the problems being listed in the news media. My question is: Are these complaints valid, or is Toyota being unjustly attacked by a group of propagandist in order to chase Toyota clear out of the American automobile market? Jim
Are the complaints valid? Well I think the pedals DID need to be fixed. From what I've read in here the past few months I also think a software update for the 2010 Prius Brakes is also valid. Is the media vicious? Do they like to garner response by being as sensational in presentation as possible? Certainly. I can't count how many almost harmless reports about Toyota's being Fixed I've watched that have included for no real reason, images of twisted wrecked cars. While I AM disappointed at Toyotas response, especially in regards to The Software update, I still think Toyota is a great automobile manufacturer. I'd still buy stock in Toyota. Eventually the media will die down. Eventually people will have parts installed and/or software updated and then on a day to day basis people will start to realize that Yes, my Camry, Tundra, Avalon, Prius, Yaris, Venza, is pretty reliable. They will realize that their car is NOT a death trap and the gas pedal and brakes are working. Things SHOULD return to normal. This was a hit. It will be a permanent footnote in automotive history. But unless this reaches the point of undeniable criminal scandal...which I do NOT expect, everything should get back to being a Car Manufacturer building and selling cars. My direct opinion is Toyota still produces cars that I would feel very good about from a quality standpoint. Once people realize that despite the medias imagery and cries, their Toyota isn't about to blow up, speed out of control, or be unstoppable, I think most people will return to this realization.
The problem is that this is far from over. When the congress starts digging as to who at Toyota knew what when, it will get even uglier than it is now. I was on the phone with a toyota dealer this morning and he was scared, really scared for the future and what will be revealed in WASHINGTON. The knowledge of a significant acceleration/brake problem has been known to Toyota dealers for well over a year. Stay tuned. It will be interesting to see how some of you toyota die-hards react. Isn't it time for Mr Toyoda to shut up? "Believe me, Toyota cars are safe", said Toyoda -- the grandson of Toyota's founder -- breaking his near-total silence on the recall woes. Read more: I can think of much more appropriate responses.
I think the sudden acceleration and Prius braking issues are probably valid due to the number of complaints. I question the severity of the issues and urgency being displayed to have them resolved NOW. I listened to the director of Consumer Reports on the Nightly News last night and thought he did a very good job of putting these issues in perspective by giving the number of complaints versus the number of vehicles sold. He also calmly explained for those experiencing the sudden acceleration to do as PC'ers have been saying all along, put the car in neutral, brake to a stop and turn the car off !! I do belive that Toyota is being unjustly attacked due to the severity of the attacks compared to past and present reliability issues of US manufacturers. I also believe that Toyota could have done a better PR job with these issues.
Toyota cars are safe... lets think about this and your response, Malorn. It's no secret you're a bit biased here. However, please note that 10 years ago when the Firestone tire recall happened, over 100 people had to die, and thousands were injured before the AMERICAN auto companies did anything. How many people have died from these problems before Toyota issued a recall?
I am not happy with the brake issues, but I am convinced that the media has created a hysteria. Where is the responsible journalism? At the end of the NBC story about the Prius, Brian Williams throws in a shot about 'could there be more problems for the Prius?' What was that all about? That is totally irresponsible. This is a black eye for Toyota, but speaking as a person who has had a black eye before, black eyes heal and get better.
I still think ultimately REALITY will triumph. Like I said, unless this becomes an undeniable criminal scandal...then I'd expect Toyota to emerge. Sometimes the sensationalism of the media warps everyones view. A week ago...(granted it's been a long week for Toyota) but a week ago I went to the Portland Auto Show. Most people were looking at Toyotas with no prejudice. I saw good crowds and good interest. Driving around, I still see huge numbers of Toyota owners. They are driving and laughing and joking, and there are still lots of Toyotas in existence and on the roads. So yes, The Media fear mongers, but I think we also have to realize that they also blow out of proportion what is happening. There are some people scared, some people upset and some people that have probably lost faith in the Toyota brand, BUT most people I talk to, and deal with day to day, perceive this as exactly what it is, a Massive Recall to fix an issue. Nothing more, nothing less. If you've been happy with Toyota and your vehicle why should that suddenly change? Despite the installation of a needed small piece of metal, nothing has changed. Assuming hearings in Washington don't reveal a "criminal" level scandal, and also assuming Toyota doesn't have another major issue pop up...I think business as usual will return. Blatant Scandal and/or another "Issue" (Beyond the 2010 Prius software update) and all bets are off....but my guess is the hearings in Washington will be a lot of finger pointing, a lot of posturing and a lot of "They said this"-"We told them that". Probably resulting in another week or two of Media Reports filled with inuendo. But unless tangible undeniable proof of scandalous disreguard for safety is revealed...again I think Toyota will emerge.
I think Toyota may have made a mistake admitting to error when they didn't even know what the problem was. Now they have everybody complaining about their Toyota, after many years of having the best reliability record in the car industry--based on the extensive Consumer Reports surveys. Years and years, mind you. Right there with Honda. I've said this thing is political. To try to save the American car industry. Fear is the device. It works in politics. It's used in the media. Anybody notice it took GM about 2 days to say their car sales are "surging", and they are offering $1000 rebates for Toyota owners? Well, keep your grand, GM. I've owned your cars. That dog has hunted.
I have to agree with the hysteria. I own mostly Ford's this is the first Toyota I have ever purchased. I googled brake failure and the hits that mention Toyota FAR out number the hits for Ford. Even Hybrid brake failure the numbers are crazy. You have to specifically search for "Ford Hybrid Brake failure" to get much of a listing for the Ford and even then Toyota pops up many times. I guess they are like sharks circling a company with a bloody nose or something?
Reaction? Probably not as shock as well GM bailed out on Toyota and left them hanging at NUMMI. Nope. I'm more concerned with quality. Some people stilll care about the quality of the plastics, leather/cloth and other miscellaneous trim bits. However, there's also a good chunk of the buyers that don't give a crap and want a car with big ticket items (sun/moonroof, leather, alloys, HIDs etc) so something's gotta give if Toyota wants to maintain its price competitiveness in the market. Having good plastics won't win "friends" in the minds of those materialistic folks.
This is different, this is the perfect company. This is the company that even touts itself as perfect. This is the company that has lived the last decade almost solely on the publicity and good will generated by its Prius. If you believe in Karma, this is it. Before Toyota shut down the Transportation dept was in Japan telling them they had to and still Toyota tried to spin it and said they were doing what no other company would do and were being proactive with their customers in mind. Again part of me is rejoicing because the sacred seal that is Toyota has finally been broken. Part of me feels for the Toyota dealers many of which were forced to spend 50% to 100% more then was warranted when they did the last expansion/new building. Did you think the media reaction would be any different when the switch finally switched 'against' Toyota? Most of the media are morons that operate like a pack of sheep, No original thoughts just pounce on the story that everyone else is. The biggest probelms for Toyota, that is basically the way the government opeates also. The congress will grandstand especially when it gets out in the open exactly how long Toyota has known of this problem and not only did nothing but went to great lengths to cover it up. If any of you have a great relationship with you dealer ask him/her. They will all have stories of customers in the dealership with accelerators that won't shut off and brakes that fail at the same time. As it always is in all sensational business and government problems...who knew what when? That is when the fireworks will really start to fly. Great articles on the whole mess
As a dealer, I can tell you that we have had no problems of sticky accelerator pedals. That is a problem that will manifest itself over the course of YEARS, not months or days. And if you want to start talking about bad vehicles, I don't think you want me to start comparing companies and the terrible designs each has had. What recall campaigns does GM currently have going on? You speak of Karma. We have our recall and GM throws money (what it actually thinks is the solution to all your problems) at Toyota customers. Then on February 2nd, the government steps up and starts an investigation on your Cobalt for steering problems. Now that is Karma...
Toyota continues to produce safe vehicles. As one poster mentioned Toyota did itself a disservice when it took blame for something that could not even be replicated by experts. Many issues with brakes could be caused by operator error as well, plus being mis informed about how their vehicle functions. For once I do agree with Malorn, the media makes its money by sensationalizing stuff, not reporting news. I parked next to 2 other silver Prii this morning at Cosmos. We talked and no one is looking to get anything different than what they own now nor have they had any problems with their vehicles.
Maybe it's time for some on this forum to shut up as well. I'm just saying. The "problem" seems to stem from the excitement of feeding the frenzy. Why do some need to do this? Sad, really...(shaking head).
It's funny. I have had around 15-20 phone calls from concerned customers of mine. Only 1 had a genuine issue with how Toyota handled themselves. The rest has had no issue with the vehicle. In fact, 4 of them apologized for how the media was crucifying Toyota. As a wise man once said, "This too shall pass". Toyota blew it in the beginning, but are making up for it quickly. Here is what we, as a dealership, are doing. Service will be open until Midnight every night for the next 3 weeks. We will also be open on Sunday. Normal hours are from 7-9 weekdays, 8:30-5 saturday, closed sunday. In addition, if you have the CTS pedal it takes 30 minutes. You will get your vehicle washed, vaccuumed, and returned to you in 45 minutes. That is guaranteed. If you have the reshaping of the pedal due to floor mats, it takes about 2 hours. We are giving people loaner cars and free movie tickets to the local theater. When your movie is over, come back and your car will be ready. In 17 years, I have never seen a dealership do this for their customers for a recall. BTW, Toyota corporate is helping to pay for all of this...
Yes, it is sad...but on the East Coast we are all snowed in today, with 2-3 feet of snow on the ground. From Washington to north of Philadelphia, everybody's sitting inside at his/her computer on the Interwebs with nothing to do except bloviate about Toyota's problems. So I think some need to do this because they have nothing to do yesterday and today. We probably won't be dug out of the snow until about Tuesday or so, so we've probably got another three days or so of the Toyota hysteria to go.