The day I purchased my Prius V I was driving home with cruise control on and set to 45mpg with CC radar set to position 2 (2 bars). Out of nowhere my car slammed on it's brakes and tighten my seat belt. Thankfully no car was behind me. I discovered the PCS (pre-collision system) miss took a medal plate cover a hole as a car or something. In my area of the country, the road repair crew will temporarily place a large 4x8 sheet of steel over a pothole until it can be repaired. Yesterday it happened again. This time I saw the steel plate driving at 55. I quickly turned off the Cruise Control but before I could slow to 40ish it slammed on the brakes. This made my think it was more the PCS and not the dynamic radar cruise control. After that I drove to Toyota to report the problem. If you live in an area where they uses steel plates, I'd suggest avoiding them.
I don't know... I live and drive in NYC, NJ and they use those plates all over the place and never ever since owning the car since the first week of June experienced this problem... I'm not saying that something did not happen to you if you say it did, but I have to wonder if it was one of those steel plates.
Granted I don't own a Prius, or a Prius V, but my understanding was that the PCS warned you first by beeping before starting to apply and offering extra braking force. My understanding is that it slows...but never "slams on the brakes" for you. I would also offer that if you are driving 45mph and heading towards a 4x8 sheet of steel that perhaps your Prius is reacting should slow down.
Electric me, I agree, but it was dark and I never saw it until I pulled over. The Tech at Toyota is going on a ride along with me Monday. He thinks it may need to be adjusted/calibrated.
Right, I have had mine beep on 2 occasions because I was approaching a car in front of me too quickly, but even on those 2 occasions it was not enough to warrant the car the apply any braking force on its own.
I hope he is brining his pocket metallurgy test kit along to test the plates, because that doesn't happen here on the west coast...
If you'd like to verify that it is or isn't the PCS, you could always disable the PCS by pressing the PCS disable button under the drivers side dash (looking at the steering WHEEL head-on, and in-line with the steering column, it's the button on the left...I think, the other button right beside it is the TPMS Initialazation button, the V has two buttons). This would at least allow you to determine if it is the PCS that's setting it off. David (aka Blind Guy)
I hope those steel plates are level enough with the road surface to be safely driven over at 55 mph. Hit it at the wrong angle and the airbag will deploy (that's how my last car was totaled, except it was a raised manhole where someone had moved the barricade on an unpaved road under construction).
We have a 5 and drove cross country with it. Went over plenty of metal plates and dirt roads. The only time the brakes came on by themselves was when a deer jumped out in front of us. Sure glad it did as I could not have reacted fast enough. To me it sounds like a defect in your specific car which your dealer should fix. Stan Ames
I'd hazard a guess that it's calibration. The radar signals are sent forward, not downwards. Also, it will give you a warning like "BRAKE!" as well.
I can only recall one time when my seat belts tightened up in my Pirus V, but it was when I had to slam on the brakes for some reason or another. Who knows if the car was assisting me in pushing the brakes or not.. I just noticed it was gearing up for a crash by tighting the belts. lol It's never randomly slammed on the brakes on me. Compared to the laser cruise my Infiniti had, this Prius radar cruise works a little better and even works in direct sunlight and rain. It doesn't even slam on the brakes when someone pulls in front of you like the Infiniti did. It just slowly eases off the accelerator to regain proper distance only using brakes as a last resort. I use it all the time and am very happy with the results. It's one of the things Toyota did right on the car.
I have yet to experience any form of PCS other than the.. umm.. how should I call it... "brake assist" (not to be confused with the actual Brake Assist function.. but I guess it kinda plays in this scenario). I was doing a test run with DRCC and because it was a slight curve, the radar lost radar lock on the car for a sec, then regained it and flashed the "BRAKE!" sign. Naturally I braked but the moment I touched the brake pedal, the car activated the ABS and braked a LOT harder than I expected. I was impressed (no worries, it was an empty road b/c it was fairly early in the morning). Toyota used to have laser cruise control but yeah radar-based works a lot better. It doesn't get confused when you're going uphill and there's an overpass at the top of the hill lol.
When Bambi crossed my path the car didn't respond. Didn't see it until it was in front of the headlight. Fortunately for both of us the little bugger was fast enough to escape without injury. If you are running over raised steel plates better increase the tp.
This confirms my feeling again that the Prius should be considered a "Technically Advanced Vehicle" not unlike the FAA's (perhaps late) designation of Technically Advanced Aircraft and that as such, the operators should be expected to be thoroughly familiar with the system just as pilots are required to understand how their aircraft systems work and/or require such training. From these posts, I gather that few have read/understood the manual when they describe the pre-collision warning system in detail. As I do not (yet) own a Prius, the best I have is recollection from reading it at the dealers (but I recall a separate post detailing the system operation). The PCS has 3 components, only ONE of which can be disabled via the switch. This optional component is the one that sounds alarms and prepares the brakes for activation. The conditions of activation I believe was vehicle over 9mph and closing rate >9mph. Then there are the two other systems, one better termed collision mitigation as it employs the brakes automatically and seat belts pre-tensioning when the system decides a collision is unavoidable (I believe "imminent" was the word they used) and tries to simply reduce the collision speed, not necessarily avoid one. This system cannot be disabled by the user (at least no indications in the manual). Finally, the third part is only active with radar cruise control (I forget the parameters) but it will also automatically apply brakes when closing rate too fast. These 2 options (excluding the visual/audible warning), do NOT emit any warnings as they are designed to engage only when a collision is near certain. The experience the OP describes sounds much more like the system perceiving an imminent threat beyond the point of the warning system and only activating the emergency stop actions. Thus, disabling the PCS with the button and the lack of audible warnings does not mean that PCS did not engage (in this case, erroneously). I'm very glad to hear of this report, as this was one of the greatest fears I had in the PCS was the rate of "false alarms". I had posted earlier with a query about people's experience with the PCS, and it sounds like this is an unusual, exceptional case, and I agree with many others like a calibration or other adjustment is probably in order or the situation is extremely unique (and unlikely due to the the metal plates alone).
I believe the PCS OFF button disables the automatic braking, not the brake preparation or the warning.
I think the tech is correct, the radar antenna probably needs to be aligned and the system needs to be tested. As others have said it's not working normally. Yours is the first post reporting this problem so be sure to keep us updated on what they find. Thanks.
troll spray To my knowledge and experience, which is admittedly minimal with the Prius V, the PCS will never "slam on the brakes". I've never heard of a state using steel plates on a 55MPH plus roadway. Troll harder.