It is strange if she hasn't been around for truly as long as is indicated in this thread. Hopefully it just means she's busy with that new job she wanted to locate.
UPDATE: I was reading some comments to an article in Huffington Post today and saw a poster with an avatar picture that was the same one Godiva used for her last PriusChat avatar picture: [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] Did some digging, and the poster was definitely her. Good to know she's still around. (Since the Eighties, I always fear the worst if I haven't heard from someone in a while.)
She is on Doggyspace (yes its like MySpace for dogs ) I sent her a message back when this thread started to make sure she was ok. She answered me and said she was but doesn't plan to come back to PriusChat.
IMHO, this video compilation featuring Dr. Hook's Hey Lady Godiva may better represent the brash, self-assured Lady that our missing Godiva meant to invoke, at least with her other-than-last avatar; the peaking around the tree one. Caution: May not be considered work appropriate.
I always enjoyed Godiva's witty responses. And that Dr Hook video is how I imagined her to be - a guilty pleasure of mine
I miss Godiva, too... though her adeptness with power tools and home remodeling is a bit intimidating! I believe he had dinner the first night with me... and a few other people.