Today I was discussing my mileage from the drive to work with a colleague, and another guy asked what I drive. When I told him, he said he had never heard of it. This surprised me a bit, especially with all of the gas price articles in the news recently (where hybrids are often mentioned). I fully expected people to not know much about how they operate, I was just surprised that he hadn't heard of the Prius.
I've had it with people I work with when I first go my Prius. A what????? was a common reply. All now know what a Prius is. I've had others say the same thing. I guess there are people who don't listen to the news or care what's happening in the world of automobiles. Most of these people are middle aged. Not sure if that's the cause or effect of news saturation. When I ask what they drive they invariably say some older compact car and it's just transportation nothing more or less.
Re: Do you encounter people who have never heard of the Priu I have to admit that I wasn't sure how to pronounce Prius before I started researching buying one. But that's because I had mostly read about them. I see Toyota beginning to actually advertise them now (didn't really see it before in my area), so I expect the lack of recognition will change.
Hmm, my closest encounter was "wait, it's that... Toyota... hybrid car." Otherwise, pretty much everyone I've met knows it.
Still get the "plug it in" response. A few at work had not heard of it, but were quite enthralled when I showed them all the gadgets and the roominess. Seeing more and more around Denver, but when we drove to Birmingham over the 4th, I think we saw a total of 6 and none in Birmingham itself.
Re: Do you encounter people who have never heard of the Priu The Prius is still very rare around Gold Coast Australia with my car being the only Prius in my works car park. I wish people would stop putting their finger prints all over my windows trying to look inside. I have to explain to so many people that no it doesn't need to be connected to a power cable when I get home. I washed my car yesterday before going to the shops and found it covered in finger prints on my return. I love Black but it sure does show every little mark. :roll:
Re: Do you encounter people who have never heard of the Priu Just got back from a Denver to the West coast and back trip... most places we stopped we were asked about the car... we have Paul's decal on the back that says.. Gas/Elictric Hybrid... anyone driving or walking behind can't miss that.....most questions were about mileage and will it keep up with traffic...we are always opening the doors and saying.. try sitting in the car... had one man ask about the NAV.. wanted to know what we paid monthly for the service...hmmmmm an OnStar customer... we saw quite a few Prii when we got to CA... met a nice lady who was putting gas in hers for the FIRST time...haha Bob Andersen
There's a hell of a lot of them in CA, relative to other places. You can spot every color without much trouble.