Hello everybody! For my education have to dissasemble and draw a Prius III transaxle. The first Step was to seperate the two transaxle halves. Up to this point, there are no problems (Picture 1). But now i have to seperate the stator from the rotor. Here the problem is, once i open the cover of the e - motor(picture 2) , the rotor is clashing with the stator and possibly could damage it. Has anyone an idea how i could open it without clashing the two parts together? Thanks a lot Chris
What "education"? Is this for mechanics certification or something? They didn't provide a shop manual? Good grief, that is some hardcore training.
I have not disassembled the transaxle of a Prius, yet. I believe Hobbit has some experience in this area and may be able to help. Speculation on my part, the other end of the rotor axle should be in a fairly rigid bearing. It may provide enough support to prevent the rotor from touching the stator. However, as soon as you go to remove the rotor, it is going to have a very strong attraction to the stator ... much more than human strength. SPECULATION: You may consider getting a thin plastic material (slippery type), a mm or more thick and wider than the stator depth and trying to insert and wrap around in the gap between stator and rotor. Then as the rotor comes out, it will be attracted to the stator but the plastic material keeps contact from happening and the rotor can slip out. My understanding is the rotors are very heavy. Bob Wilson
Thank for your answers! @spiderman: It´s for my study! I still have a manual from toyota, but belief me, it does not help... @bwilson4web: Thanks a lot for your tips! As you can see on the picture the bearing on the other end of the rotor seems to be very small. I don´t belief that this could work. source: w**.edmunds.com/reviews/comparison/articles/105527/page001.html Unfortunately i have no idea how i could get a thin plastic between stator and rotor before open the cover of the motor.:noidea: But maybe the best way is to construct a lead to fix the position of the rotor, open the cover and then put the plastic between rotor and stator. Chris
Once you remove the cover, the rotor will be free to come into contact with the stator. However, this will not damage either component. Separating the two will be a little more difficult.