I better park mine I may wear it out, 6200 miles since November :focus: Oh wait I love my Prius too much to park it... I especially like that 45+mpg I'm getting cruizing up and down the freeway.... :cheer2:
The car has a few quirks about it but I'm very satisfied and love the car. As others have stated Toyota will figure it out, it's a tuff job being at the top of the Big Three.
Great car. Quiet, looks good stops, no brake problems or any other problems with the car. I love it and I'm keeping it.
This post covers it for me. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/75538-i-hate-my-2010-prius-model-iii.html
15,000 miles in six months. I have a nit or two but no real problems. Love the car, would buy another.
People who cannot deal with change should not get a Prius, plain and simple. It is not a typical car. The brake/VSC is not a big deal. Don't be aggressive, be aware of your road conditions and traffic flow..duh! No one has been able to recreate the acceleration issue. I love my car...my daughter has it now because her Honda is in the shop and I have separation anxiety. I get happy and excited whenever I drive this car and I was never the type of person who cared that much about the wheels under me. Truthfully my 2010 w/SR excites me more than my 2005 Salsa Prius did.
I love my IV. No problems at all. Installed USB kit, works pretty good. It's alot better in the snow than my previous civic.
My 6 month old Prius is GREAT!!!Before I bought the Prius I drove a 2001 TUNDRA for 8 years..Toyota is OK in my book...
I've felt the regen brake/pothole thing 3 times so far. It's no big deal. It doesn't worry me or my wife. I have no complaints about the car what so ever.
Never felt the brake thing ever. Have uneven road surfaces, some potholes on the highways/streets where I drive. Already put 2,200 miles on it. Car arrived from port I believe 12/1/09 I believe.
No problems. 2006 G2, 65 000 KM so far. Better braking? Installing GOOD winter tires. Only time the braking is "weird" is if I'm slowing down - and hit a *famous* Montreal pothole. The Traction Control kicks in, the car seems to slide a bit - not slow down - then resumes normal braking. This is a partial second thing. Once the ICE kicked in at the same time - so I felt a brief acceleration - again, a partial second thing. It's more the loss of deceleration for a fraction of a second that spooks.
I have had my 2010 III since August and now have 7500 miles. No problems so far and I have even tried hard to duplicate the brake issue and have not been able to do it. Great car and averaging 48 mpg (calculated at the pump). Very happy with the car. I would recommend it to my best friend even with the media frenzy over the brake issue.
I have a Gen III with 6000 miles. The only weird thing I've experienced is the grabby brakes when backing down an incline with a cold engine after turning the power on, off, then on again. But it's only an annoyance, not a safety issue. Everything else has been perfect. No problem at all with brakes or unintended acceleration.
I also have a 2005 and everything is original and works like new (104,000 miles and counting). It has never had a need to go to the dealer and I still drive 100 miles a day and fill up only once a week. I traded in a lexus that I really loved (wanted more versatility) and have never looked back. I also am blown away with this mass hysteria, I see a need to correct this situation (my parents own a 2010 with no issues) but having owed toyotas for years I know they will rectify all of the issues.
Thanks to all the sane responders to this thread! Jesus Christ, people (those that have a perceived "problem"). The rest of us are doing fine in our death traps. I simple hate the media frenzies that happen over NOTHING. all's well in my 2004...almost 90,000 miles and I wouldn't trade this car for any other manufacturer OR technology. Sheesh, people just need to get used to different...or f@#$ing sell the damned car to realistic drivers. Go back to gas only. Obviously some hybrid owners are NOT capable of handling the future. Curt
Have my 2010 Prius for close to 3 months now. I have experienced the brake issue but it doesn't worry me too much. I see this as the brake characteristic. What bothers me more is the rattling noise somewhere around the cup holder on the center console. It could be from the mechanism of the "hydraulic-like" cover.
I've had my V/ATP for a few months now. Thanks to PriusChat, I knew about the brake phenomenon before I bought the car. Upon delivery, I immediately found a wasboarded road to try it out. At the time I thought it was odd but not a problem. If Toyota offers a software upgrade I'll get it. Meanwhile, I just drive the most interesting car I've ever owned.