OK. I'm going out on a limb here to ask this. I just realized today that I have emailed various moderators ( about four I think) over the course of the time I have been here. ( 6+ months) and have never heard a peep back. I didn't think much of it at first, just assuming that the person I had PM'ed was not the kind to say "got yer message, thanks" but now I'm starting to wonder. Do you guys hear back from them when you PM? Edited to add: Oops! I just went through all my old PM's and I did get ONE response back from ONE of them. Not telling any names though. OK Two. *one very red faced girl* ( but no record of the exchange in my fickle inbox)
Hey now! I remember you contacting me and I think we had an exchange of pm's. Ok had to look, it was about water spots. I actually have had several people contact me about my LED conversion and foglamp bulb replacements and have gotten back to each person (I sure as heck hope I did)! The only PM i just remembered not getting back to was one from Bob Wilson (Sorry Bob!!!!!) but Bob's is a bit more entailed so I'll get to it this weekend. Anyways, speaking for myself I always try and answer even if the answer is "I do not know" lol.
You are right!!! I remember... now I am wondering what the heck is going on with my inbox/sent folders??? I have no record whatsoever of that exchange. I also thought I had emailed another mod twice, about two different things over the last month or so and now have no record of having sent either message that I KNOW I sent. I wonder if he ever got them?
You mean they talk, other than chewing a person out for being "inappropriate"? Um, not that it has ever happened to me, of course.
Octavia and Rae, I have emailed both of you on multiple occasions in reference to your provocative avatars and trust me, Rae, "inappropriate" was used as more of a suggestion. Seriously, though, Oct. I replied to your PM this evening. For the record, the only PMs I normally do not reply to are the ones I receive from the people I have just suspended. Without variation, I always get a PM from the person telling me why they didn't deserve it, how they are actually a very nice person and how I'm a tyrant. At least I assume that's what they say; I actually never read them.
Octavia, given your reputation, the moderators probably assumed you were flirting. Being married men, I assume your messages were deleted unread just to avoid potential trouble. Tom
Probably sounds EXACTLY what they send me....since they are saying the same thing to multiple moderators, it's SPAM so they should be banned.
Yes you did. I got it right AFTER I posted this thread. :redface: Rae, I could never imagine you being "inappropriate". Swizzle sticks not withstanding of course. Reputation? How the hell I get a reputation? One evening dress and suddenly I have a reputation. It took Rae a "swizzle stick incident" to get a reputation. I don't know if I like this "reputation" business.
That's ok. Danny took it off after Tony and his alter ego got carried away . Your reputation (points) is/are safety locked away.
I'll second that -- Suggestive avatars! Inappropriate messages! Reputations!:evil: Getting rooms!:eyebrows: The good citizens are finding out that our parents actually had sex :scared: Great fun!ound:
Sometimes when I get back from "camp" I have a PM from a mod... They are never good... I'm just saying...