Well it kind of depends on how long of a drive it was. I mean on really short drives to around the block its common to have a high average. If you got 52mpg average for the entire tank then that is pretty good.
I'd say good, too. How many miles did you drive? City or highway...or a mix? I just filled up for the first time today. I either got 51-52 mpg (by my calculations) or 47.4 mpg (by the MFD calculations). I suppose it's possible that I didn't completely fill the tank, thus skewing my calculations. On my way to work today (60 miles, mostly highway, A/C set to 76, outside temp around 80), I got 54 mpg. On the way home (A/C set to 77, outside temp around 90), 50.4 mpg. I'm pretty happy with that, but I am going to check the pressure on my tires this weekend to see if I can do better.
:mrgreen: Not too bad for 50 miles. wait till you have a full tank of miles and see where you stand then. But in my opinion your mpg is good. I ONLY get 44-46mpg and iv got 20K on it now. but i do drive it hard. and its better than my last car (12-14mpg) so i save alot of money at the pump. i have gotten a few tanks at 50-54 but its under driving conditions i dont normally do. and i also have extra items in the hidden trunk for emergencies and such so this is not helping the mpg issue but i love the car and will deal with this as not a problem with the veh but with the ""BRAKE PEDAL TO STEERING WHEEL INTERFACE MODULE"" :mrgreen: So keep on driving and keep us posted on your mpg's
I get about 50-55 every time I gas up So I have nothing to worry about except I don't know how the over drive kicks in.........
I'd say that's pretty good for a new car. There's a breaking in period and mileage will improve. I've been doing weel each tank. I'm on my fifth tank and doing a steady 50 mpg now. My first tank was 44 mpg. I expect there to be a slight improvement when I get my oil changed for the first time. It comes from the factory overfilled. I'll make sure it's not overfilled when it's changed in October. Also, I hear that after the first 5,000 there is an improvement in mpg as well. It will take me a year to reach that mark. But I'm happy as it is. I'm getting twice what I was with my old car. My maintenance will be less. You're doing better than I did. I expect you'll do even better after a few months. Read up on filling the gas 'bladder' so you don't freak at the first fill-up. Don't worry. That will loosen up and get easier too.