I confess that I'm at work right now. Waiting for accelerator pedal parts to get here. Yep, working on that soul mate thing too.
I confess that I bought 3 boxes of girls scout cookies today, and ate one of them by the end of the day. 1200 calories. And it wasn't even that good. "Lemonade" flavor. But the purchase helped the daughter of a friend toward raising funds toward a trip to Mexico. Maybe the scouts should start making tortillas?
I confess that from your picture that I think that you have pretty eyes and a beautiful smile. My wife will dismember parts of me if she reads this thread, .
I believe that the internetz has made me smarter and lazier. I gather too much information and work too little. I confess that I retired from the corporate world at age 49 to play poker, play golf and get smarter and lazier because of the internetz.
I confess nothing, and admit even less. I'm taking it all right to the grave. Confession good for the soul, hah! For all anybody else needs to know, I'm perfect.
I confess I have nothing too exciting in the way of confessions for the moment. Should I take it to the Boring Thread?
I confess that I am driving too fast, with my heater too high, to get decent MPGs on my way to/from work. However, I'm trading those MPGs for precious minutes NOT driving, so I think it's a wash. Oh, and I'm comfortable, while I'm singly (loudly) along with Neil Diamond or Journey or Jim Croce or Billy Joel.
I was raised as a Catholic so I should be ready to confess to anything but I got that out of my system...........
Yeah, the nuns beat it out of me. Seriously in 8th Grade our teacher the principal had a canoe paddle on the chalk board that she used to whack guys that were acting up. I confess that I did get called up to the front of class a couple of times and belted with that canoe paddle. So I ended going to a Catholic HS where some of the Brothers would punch ya out if you acted up and finally a Catholic college too where....I don't remember , it was the late 60's. 'One pill makes you larger aandddd one pill makes you small....' White Rabbit, Jefferson Airplane, Surrealistic Pillow 1967.
Truthfully though I was one of the kids that was bad but the nuns thought I was an angel and my classmates would never give me up cause I was fun!! Seen plenty of the rulers on the knuckles, making kids sit in chairs when they needed to go to restroom, eat your food (that is why I still do not eat peas).
My daily confession... Dear diary, I really love my 2010 Prius. It is the best car I have ever owned (and I have owned everything from Honda's to Volvo's), but I can't help feeling betrayed by the way Toyota Corporation has handled everything. I just wish Toyota Corporation handled the entire situation differently. PS.. did I mention that I love my Prius?
I confess that I'm probably going to stop reading this thread and go to Five Guys Burgers and Fries and stuff myself. Then come back to work and try not to nod off. :bored: (watching the smily above made me yawn! ound
I confess I set the auto heat somewhere between 75 and 70 (depending on what I am wearing) and I realize I will most likely keep it on for as long as I own the car. This is one of many reasons I try my best not to whine about MPGs even though I have pangs of guilt over the environment from time to time.
I confess that I am having a terrible day at work. I feel underpaid, overworked, and a bit taken advantage of.