Last tank I got over 54 mpg. Compare this with my worst winter tank at 38 mpg. Most of winter I was getting like 42 mpg. (due to short commute distances mostly.) Still think I am on winter fuel, since there has been no jump up after filling the tank. Just getting help from warmer weather and taking off my snow tires. How's everyone else doing around here? Anyone heard about summer fuel for the Boston area? My Prius is a 2005 coming up to 5000 miles. Already running on Mobil 1 oil since about 1000 miles on the engine.
Warmer weather has certainly helped the last few weeks. My daily routine is about 6 to 8 under two mile the sub-zero and single digits last winter I averaged in the low 30's. Last Sunday (75 degrees) I made the round trip from Brattleboro, VT to Durham, NH with a trip average of 57.3 mpg. Don't know about summer/winter gas blend. Tom
Life and most recent stats are in my sig. I saw a jump in mileage around the first of April, I think that may have been due to the summer formulation arriving in NH.
Just a New England related update: 1 My summer fuel seems to be at least 2 or 3 mpg better. 2 Shell gas seems better than Exxon or Mobil but very close, and much better than Hess I tried once. 3 Went to central MA and got to see 10 green bars for the first time. Also found I got my best mileage at about 57 mpg even with all the hills. Still don't think I can ever get 60 mpg unless I go somewhere there is plain old gasoline instead of this special mix we have. I can get high mileage on some trips, but not enough places I can go driving 40 around here for a whole tank. At steady 65 I get about 52 mpg at 80 degrees. So my mileage can't go up miuch more. But I just bought some bquiet to put into the doors. Hope that helps in winter mileage!
I've got a 1st generation and commuting from Boston to Worcester daily. Lately i've been seeing about 45mpg as my average. I have a suspicion this is low, even for G1's. Can anyone verify that?
I've only had mine for a bit over a month, and have to admit that I really did take the "just drive it" mantra to heart...after the break-in period. Still, 51 MPG on the first tank, 48 on the second, 52 on the third, and "gulp" it looks like I'm headed for my worst tank yet for #4, as I drove "with traffic" on the highway for over 280 miles last weekend... If I behave, I should come in around 46 MPG for this tank.
Uh, wow, never saw this section... Just filled up this morning at 560 miles (I'm sure I could have hit 600), averaged 55.7... Usually I average between 57 and 60, but I got up late a few mornings, and "flew" into work. For the guys in the 40's... do you take advantage of topography, and "force" the electic engine on for as long as possible? I've also found to get the "high" numbers, is more a function of maintaining. It seems as if you'll get a higher average MPG blasting through back roads at around 50 maintaining your speed versus "putting" up and down hills at, or near the speed limit. It's weird, in some cases, you actually have to go faster to get better mileage...
Not sure what you mean by driving faster gives better mileage? Is this across the board or is there just one speed that is best like 50? I find in hills it is critical to vary speed up vs down to max mileage, and to max it with battery mode and by going slow. So 42 mph is optimium for me. I have to admit I have not had trips of mostly 50 mph anywhere yet. It is too fast here for most roads and too slow for the big highways. But if I drove all the time at like 40 mph I'd easily get well over 65 or 70 mpg. Driving at any speed above 55 mph my mileage is never over 60 mpg except downhill.