I think you are right. It is very typical for someone who has built up a very stout "mental frame" or worldview that has been buttressed by talk radio, co-workers, family etc.. Anything that does not fit within their frame is either ignored or worse, provokes a negative reaction regardless of the validity of their argument. Are they stupid? Not likely but they do seem more likely to be ignorant in particular subjects so it is better assume they just don't understand the subject material OR you don't fully understand it so it is best to leave emotions aside and talk in a civil manner, ask questions and see what you can learn. With enough dialog it will become apparent who knows more about the subject and if you are lucky you might learn something. This is not directed towards you in particular. I'm just rambling.
I've only had my Prius since for 5 days but I've already had an incident where someone wouldn't let me on to the freeway. It might have just been a random incident, but I swear it seemed like it was because I was driving a Prius. I guess more time will tell.
No, this is how people treat other drivers with smaller cars. It's like that with every car Prius-sized or smaller.
A good point I initially didn't consider. Perhaps I don't really notice it because I drive my Prius the same way I'd drive my 7,910lb (I weighed it) dually.... with zero hesitation. I'm not in a car mindset, and I really don't notice anyone trying to muscle me around on the road. I agree with another poster about AZ drivers. They're among the worst in the country. However there was a bit of irony seeing that poster is from Southern Cali as I believe the very worst drivers are from Cali, and the second worst are from AZ.... Half our population is probably from CA which explains it.
I think many drivers assume that because you are driving a Prius you are driving slow. They think that you are either hypermiling or your car is severely under powered because it is on battery. Many of the full size trucks (many lifted) drivers also unconciously offended by your 'greenness' and automatically think that you are a tree hugging liberal who is turning this country into communist dictatorship.
Not lately, they are all afraid I will either accidently accelerate into them or not be able to stop due to faulty brake rumors.:rofl: Or is that faulty rumors concerning brakes?
that was so smart, you must feel very proud... coming from an autobahn mentality, there's nothing worse than slow driving in the left lane, and brake-checking the cars behind you; tailgating is a close second.
Yup. Haters are here too. Tail gating, passing and/or cutting us off is a daily occurance at least once per day. Even when we drive in the number 2 or 3 lane on a 5 lane road, 5-8 mph over the speed limit, in light traffic on the freeway, there is always an idoit that behaves like a spoiled teen in a BMW, SUV, or truck. Same thing happened to us in our 2001 Honda Insight Hybrid. I believe some people just hate the fact that we get great MPG and are in a Hybrid.
Many folks hate the fact that you are on the road at all, regardless of what vehicle you drive. This behavior long predates hybrids.
Agreed. I've also noticed a general rudeness on the roads in the Bay Area that has been increasing each year over the past 8-10 years. The disrespect for fellow drivers doesn't seem to be being enforced by the Highway Patrol enough. Our state budget is in the toilet. Maybe double or triple the traffic fines and people will be forced to behave.
Perhaps if parents taught their children manners, it would fix this problem. Basic respect for others. It'd be a way better solution than punitive fines.
Well less than a month after buying it, I already got some "nice" words and graphics drawn in the dirt on my car in various parking lots. Always amusing >.< As far as driving, I dont notice much difference since I am going small car to actually bigger prius. (civic coupe to prius)
The Arizona "Prius Gang" is a sister organization to the one I am forming in the Northwest known as the Prius Posse. It will be based in Seattle and all Posse members will be identified by a single red, white and blue stripe across their front hood and plastic ring covers on the rear wheels only. Each Prius will also be equipped with special windshield washer nozzles which will be used to squirt tailgaters and extreme gas guzzlers as they patrol the highways and city streets.
1st prius and dove it here in southern VA for all of 1 day. First few hours and my GF already had 3 people yell at her within 2 blocks of driving. fun!