When I last filled up, the automatic pump shut-off somehow failed and I ended up overfilling. I know of all the dreadful consequences. Is there an easy way to tell if damage has actually occured? Or is it a sure thing? Can I wait and see? What symptoms of trouble should I expect? It was a very cold day. I didn't know about leaving the tank uncapped for a few miles as a precaution, so I did lock it after sponging off as much excess fuel as possible. I now remember seeing the fuel level recede out of view, whatever that indicates. Thanks, Phil
Symptom would be a check engine light. It's not a sure thing. How long did you drive after this happened? Others who have overfilled may be able to provide more info.
Overfill is not likely to cause problems, unless you close up the tank and let it sit on a hot day. That will cause the gas to expand and be forced into places it doesn't belong. If you get back in and drive after an overfill, you generally burn off a bit of fuel and make some space. That said, I wouldn't make a habit of it. Tom
I did this twice with my 2007 within the first year. No problems. In retrospect, I think in my case I was not getting the nozzle all the way past the sealing ring in the filler tube which led to the "non shutoff". If you look at the inside of the fuel door there is a warning label to this effect.
Yup, it's actually difficult to get enough fuel in there to cause a problem unless you do so on a warm day and just let it sit after putting the gas cap back on, as Tom said. Next time it happens (and it will), leave the cap on loose and drive a mile or so, then remove the cap and look in. You won't see the fuel so you can then put the cap on tight. There is almost always -some- air trapped in there, and as soon as you start driving the car it will work its' way into the filler tube. This is important, because if the fuel in the tank expands, as long as there is air in the filler tube, -that air- will be forced through the evap system, and not liquid fuel. If liquid fuel is forced through the evap system that -may- get between the bladder and the hard tank, and -that- will throw a code and require the tank to be replaced.
Thanks to all who responded so quickly to reassure me. Temp that day was -20C and I must have burned half a liter immediately after filling up, so I should be OK.