I thought that this was odd... Best Hybrid Cars - Best Cars & Trucks - U.S. News Rankings and Reviews
Many people don't mind getting 40 instead of 45-50 mpg . It's just another option if you don't need a hatchback and were looking at the Prius V where pricing obviously is not a top priority for people shopping that model.
I looked to the right for the categories. Of course they would give Fusion higher marks for interior if they based it on room. They gave Fusion much higher marks than Milan on exterior. What's the difference? The grille???
The thing is that I am hearing Fusion hybrid owners getting @36mpg on average. I was getting 38.9mpg in my Camry hybrid. On a different note... I test drove an Escape hybrid 2 years ago and immediately decided on a Camry hybrid. It proved to me that Toyota makes a better hybrid. Talk about uncomfortable seats, the Ford was awful. It will take more than this Prius brake issue to get me to buy anything other than another Prius.
I'm no longer surprised by these reports - most gearheads want POWER and in "normal" mode the feel of the Prius is fairly, well, "normal"... The Fusion has a 16% higher power-to-weight ratio (despite being 20% heavier), so it has more muscle - the price, of course, is significantly worse mileage (as is the case with most american-made non-hybrids as well). Just consider the sources of these articles and ask yourself: are they comparing the best HYBRIDS, or are they just looking at "farfagnugen"? You can guess what the review will say based solely on that. (note that this particular "hybrid" review doesn't score on mileage, which is the primary factor for most hybrid buyers) I will readily concede that the Prius is not the best on the track or for burnouts. It also doesn't have the luxury-class features like butt-massagers and so on. But it is the absolute best affordable mid-sized hybrid, and handily beats the Fusion on mileage and affordability. Another part of the problem is that these reviewers assume the Gen III Prius is just a minor update to the Gen II - anyone who has driven one knows that it's a huge difference.