<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gordonr\";p=\"98224)</div> It was in the inital plans, but apparently they'd intended to use wheel speed rotation as the 'sensor', but the EPA or NHTSA or someone decided that wasn't good enough and an actual sensor was ncessary.
If they don't there are nice aftermarket ones you can buy that have in cabin digital readouts...you just have them installed at any tire install place, then wire the in cabin display anywhere you want it in your interior...I think TireRack actually carries them if I remember correctly. Dave.
Okie dokie! I finally saw Silver Pine on a WA plate Avalon. OMG does it look ugly. I think Danny's right in saying that Silver Pine Metallic looks EXACTLY like the (false) Tideland swatch shown in 2004 Prius brochures. Yes, it's green.
My older Avalon has a shade of green that is deeper and would seem to please those disappointed by the current foam/fern plans. In the 2001 Avalon, it is called Woodland Pearl. I suppose it is close to the deep green of some years of the Classic Prius.
I like dark green but Toyota's current slab of greens are ugly (Cactus Mica, Silver Pine Metallic, Aspen Green Metallic) So far, only Tideland Pearl, Rainforest Green Pearl and Mineral Green Opal look okay to me =). Oh, and Imperial Jade Pearl two tone looks really good (4Runner)
I think they should use the skin of baby seals. Oooh, maybe even put their dismembered heads up on the dash. Nothing says environmentally responsible like a hybrid with (real) leather interior.
I don't understand why people object to leather. It's not like the skin isn't a byproduct of the beef industry.
I agree if you are going to use the animal to eat, at least us as much as possible. Down here in El Paso, TX, I think they eat/sell just about every part of the cow. But personally, after my King Ranch truck I will not get leather again (unless it is fake) due to the maintenance to keep it clean, nice, and soft.
I object to leather interiors because of its disadvantages: -Half of it is always vinyl -It's burning hot in the summertime- (you can actually get burned sometimes) -It's cold in the wintertime -It's slippery in the winter -It cracks in the sun -It makes your a$$ sweaty -It usually looks either wrinkly or rigid, making the interior -Your thighs get all sticky and irritated if you are wearing shorts It's advantages are: ? I've heard something about easy cleanup, but hey, so is a toilet seat, but that doesn't make it the material of choice for an automobile interior. Nate
Ah ha.. then it depends on the vehicle then. lower range models come with leather seat surfaces with varying qualities of leather. It's slippery only with synthetic leather (the yucky stuff). Sit in an RX330, that's some really soft supple leather. It's not that hot in the summer. I think the vinyl parts heat up faster. I do agree it's cold in the winter but that's what heated seats are for =). I think you were prefer perforated leather over pleated since perforated won't stick to you. (Although, I've never had leather stick to me in the first place) What I really dislike is leatherette. That thing is disgusting.
I can understand personal objections for practical reasons, as Nate posted, I just don't get the environmentalist ones. It's not like we are killing cows JUST for their leather skins. Now if we were objecting to alligator skin coverings, and that's all the alligators were killed for, then I totally understand and agree with the environmental reasonings.
I don't think there is a vehicle on the market today with 100% leather. It's always "leather trimmed" or "leather appointed" or some such language. This came about after the famous Nissan Z lawsuit in the 80's. The only way to get ALL leather is to go aftermarket. Nate
I just checked, even the Lexus RX330 lists "Optional leather trim." It's part vinyl, about half I suspect. I've seen quite a few seat coverings from the inside. Leather doesn't have that funky pattern on the backside. Nate
I don't know about the RX. Easiest way is to do the push test. If you press the material into the seat and it wrinkles, it's leather. If it just sinks in and it's smooth, it's vinyl
..."The audio system will change for better sound." Can't wait to see (hear) what they come up with. My biggest complaint with my beloved Prius is that #&@#%?* sound system! It's ovious that I'm not alone. Anybody have any guesses on what will be in the 2006?
I haven't been able to see the actual pdf located here: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Prius-...6ColorChart.pdf so if someone could download it and attach it to this thread I would really appreciate it, but mrv is posting again over at Priusonline that the color decisions have been made for the 2006 MY Prius: Exterior colors Super White (color code 040) stays same Black (color code 202) stays same Seaside Pearl (color code 8S2) stays same Driftwood Pearl (color code 4S2) stays same Millenium Silver Metallic [Broken External Image]:http://www.tundrasolutions.com/vehicles/colors/1C0.gif (color code 1C0) is replaced: changes to Classic Silver Metallic [Broken External Image]:http://www.tundrasolutions.com/vehicles/colors/1F7.gif(color code 1F7) *Big Change in Silvers, in my opinion Tideland Pearl (color code 6S9) is gone, substituted with: changes to the new Avalon color known as Silver Pine Mica (still vomiting over this one after seeing it in person on an Avalon) (color code 6U0) Salsa Red [Broken External Image]:http://www.tundrasolutions.com/vehicles/colors/3Q3.gif (color code 3Q3) is replaced: changes to the new color Barcelona Red Metallic [Broken External Image]:http://www.tundrasolutions.com/vehicles/colors/3R3.gif(color code 3R3) *This is a new red for the 07 Camry and 06 Sienna, also) +Add a new gray metallic exterior color, Magnetic Grey (color code 1G3) [Broken External Image]:http://www.tundrasolutions.com/vehicles/colors/1G3.gif *This color is going to be on the 2007 Camry, also, and the color itself is marked not to be launched until 2007, so it will be interesting to see if Toyota goes back on their word and brings it out early on the Prius This might be too dark for me.... No news yet on leather interior. Bad news on interiors - looks like Toyota is moving the Prius to having the standard interiors that you find in other Toyotas (ie, not the super-easy to clean special material) The Interior colors: Burgundy/Dark Gray 18, and Brown/Ivory 08, are going away, to be replaced with "Ash" (color 11, a different grey) and "Oak" (color 41, a different tan). Classic Silver Metallic and Magnetic Grey are limited to the ash grey interior color only. Driftwood Pearl is limited to the oak tan interior only. Super White, Black, Seaside Pearl, Barcelona Red Metallic, and Silver Pine Mica, will now have the two interior color choices.