A Baton Rouge, LA man tried to return his recalled Toyota Tundra that he bought last March. When the dealership offered to fix the truck and provide a loaner car until the car was fixed, but would not accept a return on the truck. The customer declined the offer and left the building. Police say that the customer then drove his truck into the side of the dealership, causing considerable damage to both the truck and the building. The customer claimed that, you guessed it, his accelerator became stuck and caused the crash. Police added the accelerator was not stuck when they examined the truck after the crash, but they could not find any evidence that the crash was intentional. The driver was not ticketed. I can't get the video to embed properly, so check it out here: WAFB News
I want to see him explain that one to his insurance company. He'll probably be denied and wind up eating the repairs on the truck, if not the building also. LOL
Maybe some of you guys could help me out on a question. Say i was at a dealer and i was very unhappy on how i was being treated. Could i stand by the road, or maybe just slightly off their property and hold up a sign telling all that pass by about the dealer screwing me? Would the law protect me or the dealer? Would i be arrested or would the cops tell them to deal with it?
I've seen this go both ways. I suppose it depends on your local laws, and exactly where and what you do to protest. Tom
It depends on the location of the dealership. Some places allow it and some don't. I'd check with the local police department first.
A lady near us beat her VW Beetle to death and had it painted a hideous color with the words ...'LEMON'... all over it. On busy days she would drive around the store on the city streets blowing her horn when she passed that store. In a lot of places you might have to get a permit to 'picket' and that permit might be turned down according to how powerful were the business interests in a given town. The CoC wants to hear nothing of anti-business sentiments of any kind. If you picket you'e likely to be on either a) private property ( you very likely might be bitten by dogs ) or b) municipal property ( probably need a permit )
People in the past have painted signs on their cars with the dealer's name on it. "This car is a lemon. Sold by ------ Cars."
The driver claimed his accelerator stuck. Police didn't find the accelerator stuck when they examined it. They also didn't find any evidence the crash was intentional.
I bought my '09 Tacoma and '09 Prius from that dealership here in Baton Rouge. You don't twerk off these people down here......they take matters into their own hands!!!
I've seen vinyl letters on the back of vehicles doing basically the same thing. I once saw an arrow pointing to the dealer's sticker and then the words, "sucks. Ask me."
How many remember the red "Hondas*cks" car of five years ago? I remember he would visit GreenHybrid and post photos of his car with various lamentations about the car and its performance. Bob Wilson