Last year when I got my Prius it was rare to see one in the wild. Now every few weeks I'll see two in one day. Then this morning, as I head to a training class, one follows me into the office campus. This afternoon while going to Lowes I see a new generation and a classic. Then after leaving Lowes I see a fourth Prius! The first time I've seen four in one day.
Likewise, it took a while, but even here in southwest Missouri. I would go months without seeing one back during the first year or so I had mine. Now I can hardly go 2 or 3 days without seeing at least a classic if not 1 or more 2G models.
My record so far is 12 in one day but that's rare. I usually average from 2-5. Taxis bump that number up.
On my commute, I've seen maybe one or two per week - for months. Now I see 5-6 every day. Nice, except they don't respond to waving anymore. Seems like Prius has become just another car...
I very rarely saw one before I bought mine, then I started seeing lots of them -- I think once you have one you pay more attention. But then again Toyota has sold more this past year (I think) than the total number they sold in all the years before.
Yah i've noticed that too. But they aren't just a normal car they are so futuristic that they stand out and I don't think you notice that when you've had your prius for two to three weeks... I guess it rubs off.... hahaha!!!!
Not only that, on CBS, the CSI ad uses a Prius. On FOX, Brian in Family Guy drives a Prius. And in many anime related sites, there are massive Prius ads!!
I was the first one on the road in this area in Nov. 2003 and they have been pretty rare until lately. Now there are 3 of us just in my neighborhood and I routinely see 3 or 4 on my way home from work in the morning. The local Toyota dealership was sold in the spring and since then the new owner has seemed to get a lot of Pri to sell.
I live in the San Francisco Bay area. Hybrids are very popular here with long waiting lists. I work at Cal and in the Peoples Republic of Berkeley, every other car is a Prius. I guess the natives still have some good ideas. -Paul R. Haller-
At first I thought that nothing could be better than other people owning prii and saving the world from the fumes. However, after I got mine I'm kind of getting sad because it's not so special anymore. I noticed that the number of them about are really multiplying, and when i got my first prius, i would wave when i saw another, and they would reciprocate. Now, it's so common that people don't care. I know this is aweful, and I really am glad that more and more of these are getting out there. I was just wondering how everyone else feels. I kind of wonder how people feel about the new hybrid vehicles coming out. after they begin to come out our car won't be the hybrid vehicle anymomre, it'll be the small nonpowerful hybrid. (Though i would rather have this to save on gas)
They are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e here in LA. More so in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. According to Hollywood Toyota, they sell the most Prii in the nation. Don't know if that's really true but hey...we definitely see a lot of them here. It'll only get better!