I haven't done any LED conversions before so excuse me if this question does not make sense. That would explain why although many other solutions for DRLs have been discussed this one haven't. I would like to have DRL which would consume less energy than my current non LED low beams. But I don't want to do serious mods. My idea is to replace parking lights bulbs for LEDs. Since LEDs with the same power rating can be brighter than standard bulbs (true?), they could be bright enough to serve as DRL. Issues am not sure about: - are LEDs indeed lighter for the same power rating, and would they be bright enough to be well visible during the day? - wouldn't such parking lights blind other drivers in the night (I think parking lights don't direct light downwards like low beams), related to this, are current AUDI with LED DRLs turn them off when turning low beam on? - can my dealer have a problem with such a modification? thanks!
I calculated what is at stake when it comes to MPG (or l/100km). Apparently efficiency of Prius engine is 230g/kwh, two low beams consume 55w each which means they consume 25.3 g of fuel per h. Given the density of gasoline ([ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline"]719.7[/ame]) g/l, low beams consume 0.0253 l/h. This means that they add .1 l/100km when average speed is 33km/h, .035 when average speed is 100km/h. For those used to use MPG, you could be consuming e.g. 52.26 instead of 53.46 with low beams on off. This does not include other lights/bulbs, i.e. is the effect of driving with parking lights on vs. low beams on. Its hard to tell how much energy is used by all lights as rear lights are not listed in the manual. They are LEDs so perhaps 10 per piece, +licence plate 5W or 10 W(?) + parking lights 10W = 40W. I am not really well qualified to access if this calculation is correct, I just multiply and divide. Anybody sees any mistakes? Probably this is a conservative assessment as 230 is the maximum efficiency of the engine. Also this efficiency measure does not take into account losses in the alternator.
Apparently I am talking to myself I hope somebody at least benefits from it... Here are very interesting research papers on DRLs: http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55184/1/UMTRI-2003-11.pdf members.optusnet.com.au/carsafety/paine_drl_nrma_racv.pdf The bottom line for position (parking) lights with stronger bulbs as DRLs: - The light pattern is not ideal for DRL - DRLs should be turned off in the dark However: - The conclusion regarding the light pattern was made apparently based on position lights placed in high beams, Prius 3 has separate position light so optics can be better for DRL, i.e. directed more upward. - The first paper shows a graph which suggests that DRL not brighter than 400 cd should not cause glare and at the same time be sufficiently bright except for very bright conditions (when I could use low beams). Now the question is are there wedge bulbs 194 (used in position lights) which produce close to 400 cd. Bulbs are rated in lumens not cd. The difference is that cd measures light reaching certain area and lumens light emited. My understanding is that both values would be the same if all light was reflected by headlight mirror. So my goal is to find LED bulbs producing 400 lumen. Unfortunately the brightest 194 bulbs I have found produce only 75 lumen. Any advice?
The M50 has a parking light position when you turn off the ignition. I can't recall the exact position but that will be your problem. Maybe don't turn the key quite so far. I used to own an M50 and did it a couple of times myself.
There is a company that makes a plug and play controller for the Gen. II's and said they will have one for the Gen. III's this summer although someone here has already done the DRL conversion and said just a couple of wires needed to be extended on the Gen. II kit. You wouldn't have to deal with blinding anyone because they won't be bright enough to do so especially in the daylight. Also, at night once you turn your headlights on, they turn off just as they are normally. As for the current draw as opposed to fuel consumption, I am not nearly smart enough about that type of stuff to give scientific facts, but we're talking about a minimal draw on the system that unless you just really like the look of the LED's compared to incandescent bulbs, I can't imagine it would be anywhere near a big enough difference to be able to note being a difference in MPG's. That's just taking it a little to the extreme. Yes, LED's consume less energy to operate and I have done the conversion on the interior of my car, but it was purely cosmetic. I just really like the look of the cooler and brighter light. Not to mention, the blue LED's in the doors look amazing at night. Good luck and hope this helps.
Wait a sec. I just realized you said you were wanting to use the parking lights. That's my bad for not reading close enough the first time. The kit I was talking about was for the turn signal lights. But that just goes to further enforce my belief. Now we are talking about a 194 wedge bulb as opposed to a 7440 I think it is. It's literally gonna be for looks more than savings.
Sequential Turn Signals, One Touch Turn Signals, Challenger Sequential Taillights, Sequential Tail Lights, Mustang, Dynamite Stick Sequential, Pulsing Brake Light Pulser Flasher, One Touch Convertible Top, Dynamite Stick, One Touch Turn Signals, Dayt is the website. The product number is the DRL-2P. Hope this helps. The kit is only $40. I will do it as well, but will wait for the direct fit kit just for a cleaner install.