i basically have the same problem as everyone else and drive 180 miles/day and drive like the rest of you. i'm also trying to find solutions to this problem. Has anyone found the solution yet? dareniott?
it started back in nov/dec 09. i drive 80mph 180miles/day and get 45-46 mpg. My driving style hasn't changed but my mileage has gone down to 37-38mpg. I fill up at the same Shell gas station every time roughly 8.5 gal. I take the same route but live in the hills, but again I haven't changed anything for the past year and for the past 2 months these changes have come. I got new tires right before xmas, michelin x from costco and psi at 40. i do oil changes every 5k with tire rotations.
Have you thought about winter blend fuel and your new tires which could take 1,000 milers or more to break in?
I noticed the exact drop in MPG starting from December 2009. I live in Iowa and it has been a pretty bad winter I would say. But I also notice MPG beginning to climb up as soon as temps go above freezing. So, I am not too worried at the moment. I do block the grille. However, tire pressure could have dropped -- haven't checked in 2 months! Tire pressure was 38/36. Update[Feb 2010]: Increased the tire pressure to 42/40 from 38/36 but not much difference in MPG. Update[Mar 2010]: Weather improved. Getting 45 MPG already at 40-55 deg F. Also, stopped using Ethanol mix. But I think, weather is the main reason.
ok since i'm new i couldn't fine the grille blocking thread or what/how to do. can someone link it please. thanks. when this is done how much of a bump do people usually see? thanks.